PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX – a fost lansat pentru iPhone si iPad

PAC-MAN Championship Edition DXPAC-MAN Championship Edition DXPAC-MAN Championship Edition DX este un nou joc pentru iPhone si iPad lansat in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, el promitand sa ne aduca un gameplay antrenant pentru iDevice-urile noastre.

Daca sunteti un fan al PAC-MAN, atunci cu siguranta veti aprecia PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX, titlul fiind gandit in ideea de a ne permite sa concuram intr-un stil complet diferit de cel cu care erati obisnuiti pana acum, asaca probabil veti fi tentati sa il incercati.

PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX este versiunea pentru terminale mobile a unui joc facut popular in masinile de tip arcade, el fiind laudat de milioane de persoane de pe intreaga planeta inainte de a fi pus la dispozitia utilizatorilor pentru a fi controlat de pe ecranele tactile.

It’s Your World. EAT IT! Get ready for more ghost chain gobbling and frantic action in PAC-MAN® CE-DX! The award-winning chomping video game makes a shattering debut on mobile with even more content than ever before! PAC-MAN® Championship Edition DX is the official mobile version of the most beloved arcade game of all time. IGN gave the video game a perfect 10/10 and an Editor’s Choice award, calling it “a master class in game design.”

Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un joc din seria PAC-MAN, in PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX veti avea posibilitatea de a ucide numeroase fantime in nu mai putin de 132 de labirinturi pe care va trebui sa le exploram impreuna cu personajul principal al jocului, binecunoscutul PAC-MAN.

Get ready for some ghost chain gobbling. Travel through an intense maze collecting dots and destroying pesky ghosts, which can be eaten by collecting power pellets. Each of the 132 mazes provides exciting new challenges, as you blaze across them, your speed increases as you earn more points, but watch out; you will lose momentum fast if a ghost catches you. Prepare yourself for sensory overload of the highest order and frantic action in the new PAC-MAN® Championship Edition DX!

PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE in format universal din App Store.

This post was last modified on iul. 24, 2015, 6:50 PM 18:50

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