Watchdog Pro este versiunea profesionala a tweak-ului Watchdog pe care vi l-al prezentat acum cateva saptamani cand v-am spus ca el aduce multitasking adevarat pentru sistemul de operare iOS 8 instalat in iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile noastre.
Conform dezvoltatorului Watchdog Pro, tweak-ul are trei moduri principale de lucru care definesc modul in care functioneaza aplicatiile cand sunt inchise in background, ele fiind : Smart Background, Prevent Termination si Keep in Foreground.
Smart Background dezactiveaza automat functionalitatea unei aplicatii atunci cand ea este inchisa in background, Prevent Termination mentine unele functii ale aplicatiilor active daca dezvoltatorii lor au implementat API-urile Apple pentru ele, in timp ce Keep in Foreground mentine aplicatia in functiune in background ca si cum ea ar fi deschisa in meniul principal.
Watchdog Pro is the first fully fledged backgrounding manager tweak for iOS 8. Watchdog Pro Introduces three new backgrounding behaviours: Smart Background, Prevent Suspension, Keep in Foreground. Smart Background forces applications to suspend as soon a they enter the background allowing for improved battery life. Prevent Suspension allows applications that support native backgrounding to run in the background indefinitely. Keep in Foreground allows applications that do not support native backgrounding to run in the background as if they were currently in use by the user.
Functia Keep in Foreground este cea care ofera multitasking adevarat pentru aplicatiile noastre indiferent daca ele au API-urile iOS pentru o asemenea functionalitate, iar cu ajutorul sau putem beneficia de functionalitatea oricarei aplicatii chiar daca ea este deschisa in continuare in background.