EA SPORTS FIFA a fost lansat in App Store

EA SPORTS FIFA a fost lansat saptamana trecuta in App Store si daca asteptati FIFA 16 pentru iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch, ei bine acesta este inlocuitorul sau dezvoltat de catre cei de la EA Games pentru utilizatorii de iDevice-uri.

EA SPORTS FIFA va if oficial lansat pe 22 septembrie in lumea intreaga, insa pana atunci el este oferit in format beta de catre compania EA Games, inclusiv in Romania, astfel ca oricine il poate testa in momentul de fata pe propriul iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch.

EA SPORTS FIFA poate fi instalat gratuit din App Store si conform celor de la EA Games, el a fost complet refacut pentru a ne oferi o experienta de joc complet diferita, dar mult imbunatatita fata de cea disponibila pentru vechile jocuri din seria FIFA lansate de-a lungul timpului.

Play beautiful – on mobile! EA SPORTS™ FIFA let’s you celebrate every awesome attack, nail-biting goal, and powerful win like never before with console-like graphics. Experience the most realistic set of football features on the App Store. Get ready for better skill moves, more exciting goals, more responsive controls, smarter teammates, and improved animations.

Pentru a oferi o experienta de joc cat mai buna, cei de la EA Games au refacut complet sistemul de control al EA SPORTS FIFA, astfel ca acum vom putea folosi gesturi pentru a controla jucatorii si nu doar butoanele virtuale, insa aveti nevoie de mult timp pentru a va obisnui cu noua metoda de control.

Separat de acestea, EA SPORTS FIFA are un motor grafic imbunatatit si ne ofera posibilitatea de a administra complet o echipa de fotbal, incluzand aici si un sistem de transferuri suficient de avansat incat sa va permita sa experimentati ceea ce doar jocuri de tip manager ofera.

Plus, now it’s even easier to play like a pro with Enhanced Hybrid Controls that let you use Gestures or Buttons to control the ball. Gain improved offside awareness and more with Attacking Intelligence, then blow past defenders with ease. Also, for the first time on mobile, you can trigger unique player celebrations on the pitch after you score! Choose from over 10,000 players from over 500 licensed teams and go to battle against other players from real leagues in real arenas from around the world. Recreate challenges from current live-event football matches, too, with Dynamic Accomplishments.

EA SPORTS FIFA poate fi DESCARCAT GRATUIT din App Store in format universal.

This post was last modified on aug. 12, 2015, 10:02 AM 10:02

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