Pentru inceput utilizatorii pot trimite spreadsheet-uri din Excel prin Outlook printr-o simpla apasare de bun, documentele vizibile in Outlook pot fi mult mai usor editate decat in trecut, iar in cazul Word poate fi schimbat rapid formatul scrisului vizibil pentur utilizatorii de pe glob.
- Send with Outlook: send a spreadsheet, presentation, or document as an Outlook email attachment and return to Excel
- Integration with Outlook: edit a spreadsheet, presentation, or document attached to an Outlook email message. When you’re done, the updated spreadsheet will be attached to a new email message, ready to send.
- In Word: Change case: quickly change selected text to uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, and more.
Aplicatiile Word, Excel si Powerpoint sunt disponibile pentru descarcare gratuita, in format universal, din App Store.