Zane Lowe prezinta lumea din spatele Beats 1 Radio si Apple Music

Zane Lowe este unul dintre oamenii cheie din spatele Beats 1 Radio si Apple Music, el fiind unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti DJ de pe planeta si principalul DJ al noului post de radio online creat de catre compania Apple pentru utilizatorii sai.

Intr-un interviu acordat in cursul zilelor trecute, Zane Lowe a vorbit despre lumea din spatele Beats 1 Radio, motivele pentru care a acceptat sa faca parte din proiectul celor de la Apple, dar si despre motivele in baza carora el promoveaza anumite melodii in emisiunile sale zilnice.

Zane Lowe sustine ca el nu promoveaza in mod preferential un gen de muzica sau altul si nici nu este un fan al generarii de statistici pentru tipurile de genuri muzicale sau melodii care sunt rulate prin intermediul postului de radio online al celor de la Apple, asta desi zilele trecute asemenea statistici au aparut pe internet.

We’ve played country music, Mexican house music, South American EDM, German hip-hop. I’ve never been a fan of, “We’ve got to get 22 percent of rock, 17 percent of R&B; where’s our 16 percent of hip-hop and our 9 percent of country?” If you do it that way, you’re not basing it on the merit of the music. You’re basing it on some kind of obligation.

Mergand mai departe, Lowe a afirmat ca “personalitatea” Beats 1 Radio evolueaza constant, el si dj-ii sai colaboratori avand grija ca fiecare dintre melodiile rulate in cadrul postului de radio se potrivesc “misiunii” stabilite de catre compania Apple, dar si ca ele nu plictisesc ascultatorii Apple Music


In aceasta idee, Lowe a anuntat ca Apple lucreaza la un serviciu special pentru redarea anumitor parti ale show-urilor, insa nimeni nu stie cand ar putea fi el lansat.

After the first week, it was really exciting to hear how it all fit together, but also at times it was jarring. For instance, we would come out of big shows by Q-Tip or Disclosure, and the first song was really slow — you’re immediately losing the impact you’ve gained from the previous song. So we made some changes. We also noticed in the first week people listened for really long amounts of time, which meant songs got tired quickly, so we revised our rotations. And we’re working on a replay service and we want to get full on-demand ready.

Lowe sustine ca in prima saptamana dupa lansarea Beats 1 Radio utilizatorii ascultau postul de radio pentru perioade lungi de timp, asa ca strategia de redare a melodiilor a trebuit schimbata, dar asta nu i-a oprit pe unii din a critica repetabilitatea melodiilor.

Mai departe Lowe explica prima intalnire cu Dr. Dre in casa lui Jimmy Iovine, acolo fiind prezentat pentru prima oara proiectul Apple Music, la adunare participand vicepresedintele Apple, Eddy Cue, dar si Robert Kondr sau Trent Reznor, toti punand bazele Beats 1 Radio in acea seara.

I’d never met him until I started having conversations with Jimmy and Trent [Reznor] about coming to Los Angeles. I was out here on Grammy weekend, and there was a meeting at Jimmy’s house. That was the moment where we laid out, initially at least, what we were hoping to achieve with Beats 1. It was a double whammy, because I was in the same room as Jimmy and [Apple senior vp Internet software and services] Eddy Cue and [vp iTunes content] Robert Kondrk, who I was meeting for the first time, and Trent. I’m trying to concentrate on saying the right things to get my point across and not stumble too hard, and at the same time I’m having these out-of-body experiences here and there, like “Dr. Dre, f—!” Which I’m sure he’s used to seeing, but I was just trying to keep my game face on.

Mai multe detalii extrem de interesati veti gasi interviul complet acordat de catre DJ-ul principal al Beats 1 Radio.

This post was last modified on aug. 14, 2015, 8:00 PM 20:00

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