iPhone 6S va fi prezentat in 9 septembrie, insa cei de la Goldgenie le vor permite clientilor interesati sa precomante viitorul produs incepand din data de 31 august, deocamdata fara un pret listat pentru achizitie, dar cu siguranta el nu va fi mic.
Avand in vedere ca anul trecut acelasi bijutier a vandut terminale iPhone 6 placate cu aur de 24 karate la preturi ce incepeau de la 2000 de lire, e putin probabil ca anul acesta iPhone 6S
sa fie mai ieftin, asa ca persoanele interesate de achizitie nu se pot astepta la altceva decat preturi mari.Anual bijutierii sunt interesati sa vanda terminale iPhone placate cu aur si avand in vedere graba cu care este anuntat produsul imi imaginez ca multa lume este interesata de ele, dar detalii suplimentare vom afla probabil dupa data de 31 august.
As soon as the new iPhone 6s launches, Goldgenie will be offering its signature luxury customised versions of this highly anticipated smartphone. The iPhone 6s will be available in lustrous finishes of 24K Gold, Rose Gold and Platinum in Goldgenie’s classic elite models with a mirror like shine.
Customers will also be able to have their luxury customised iPhone 6s personalised with a laser engraving of their choice. The luxury customised iPhone 6s will be available on its own or as part of a gift set with a matching luxury customised Apple Watch. Make sure to register your interest to be the first to know when we launch the collection.
This post was last modified on aug. 25, 2015, 6:20 PM 18:20