Ce aduce nou camera frontala de 5 megapixeli a iPhone 6S ?

iPhone 6S are o camera frontala de 5 megapixeli, dar probabil stiai deja acest lucru, insa ce probabil inca te intrebi este ce fel de schimbari aduce aceasta camera pentru noile smartphone-uri lansate de catre compania Apple.

Ei bine, conform specificatiilor tehnice, camera frontala a iPhone 6S are exact aceeasi deschidere precum cea a iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus, are aceeasi capacitate de a inregistra clipuri video in format 720p si are aceleasi optiuni de efectuare a apelurilor Video.

Camera frontala a iPhone 6S si iPhone 6S Plus aduce totusi nou un sistem Retina Flash care mareste cu de pana la 3 ori luminozitatea ecranului terminalelor pentru a simula existenta unui flash si a face poze mai bune noaptea.

The FaceTime HD camera is the perfect way to express yourself with selfies and FaceTime calls. Now you can capture those expressions even better with 5‑megapixel photos. And with all-new Live Photos, the FaceTime HD camera can also capture those subtle moments that are only possible with motion — a sudden giggle, the hint of a dimple, or a look of wonder.

Separat pozele ar trebui sa aiba o calitate mult mai buna si ar trebui sa putem surprinde mai mult din decorul din jurul nostru cand inregistram o poza, insa fara flash nu veti vedea o schimbare majora in ceea ce priveste inregistrarea pozelor noaptea.

In final avem posibilitatea de a inregistra inclusiv Live Photos cu noua camera frontala iPhone 6S si desigur ca ele pot fi utilizate ca si wallpaper animat, asa ca veti avea suficiente motive pentru a va distra cu noile terminale.

The Retina HD display isn’t just a beautiful place to see your content — it’s now a flash for your FaceTime HD camera. When you snap a selfie, a preflash detects the lighting around you. Then a True Tone flash on the display matches the ambient light for a gorgeous shot with more true-to-life colors and more natural-looking skin tones. Retina Flash is powered by an innovative technology — a custom display chip that allows the display to flash three times brighter than usual. So go ahead and show your most fearless smile. iPhone 6s is always ready for it.

This post was last modified on sept. 10, 2015, 9:56 AM 09:56

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