FIFA 16 Ultimate Team™ este gandit ca un joc in care voi va trebui sa va construiti cea mai buna echipa de fotbal din universul virtual al FIFA si sa controlati aproape fiecare aspect al ei, insa desigur ca veti putea juca in continuare clasicele meciuri cu care probabil v-ati obisnuit deja.
Play beautiful with a newer, better, and faster FIFA experience on mobile! FIFA 16 Ultimate Team lets you celebrate every awesome attack, nail-biting goal, and powerful win like never before with console-like graphics. Experience the most realistic set of football features on the App Store.
Conform celor de la EA Games, FIFA 16 Ultimate Team™ beneficiaza de un motor grafic regandit pentru a beneficia de pe urma tehnologiei Metal oferite de catre compania Apple in iOS 9, astfel ca terminalele pot rula elemente grafice mult mai complexe cu hardware-ul pe care il au.
Separat cei de la EA Games au regandit inclusiv sistemul de control al jucatorilor, astfel ca acum veti avea parte de o experienta creata special pentru terminalele mobile, totul fiind concepute pentru a fi cat mai usor de utilizat pe ecranele mari sau mici ale dispozitivelor Apple.
Get ready for better skill moves, more exciting goals, more responsive controls, smarter teammates, and improved animations as you play the match. Plus, now it’s even easier to play like a pro with Enhanced Hybrid Controls that let you use Gestures or Buttons to control the ball. Gain improved offside awareness and more with Attacking Intelligence, then blow past defenders with ease.
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team™ este un joc foarte complex pe care EA GAmes il ofera gratuit utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga, iar daca sunteti interesati de el il puteti DESCARCA GRATUIT, in format universal, din App Store.
This post was last modified on sept. 27, 2015, 10:41 PM 22:41