Intr-un interviu recent Aaron Sorkin a vorbit despre procesul de scriere al scenariului pentru filmul Steve Jobs, el afirmand ca stia foarte putine despre fostul CEO Apple inainte de a fi angajat de catre cei de la Universal, el petrecand cateva luni pentru a se documenta pentru a-l scrie.
Dupa doua luni de gandire si analizare a unor diverse situatii, Aaron Sorkin le-a propus producatorilor ideea de a scrie scenariul sub forma trei scene care prezinta tot ceea ce se intampla in spatele scenei a trei conferinte Apple, ideea fiind aprobata in 3 minute de catre producatori.
I didn’t know that much about Steve Jobs, and the idea of doing a biopic was daunting. I work very slowly, and the first couple of months are spent just pacing around, climbing the walls […]
[Finally,] I got this idea, and I wrote an email to Scott saying, “If I had no one to answer to, I would write this entire movie in three real-time scenes, and each one would take place backstage before a particular product launch” […]
Really, I was emailing Scott to get help: Take this thing that I really want to do and tell me what I’m allowed to do, because no studio is going to let me do this. Two or three minutes later, I got an email from Amy Pascal—Scott had forwarded my email to her—and she said, “I think this is a great idea.” I couldn’t believe it. They were going to let me do this thing.
Sorkin sustine ca a fost surprins de rapiditatea cu care i-a fost acceptata ideea avand in vedere ca in cazul multor filme biografice lumea se asteapta sa vada o prezentare a vietii personajului principal, insa in filmul Steve Jobs lucrurile se vor intampla diferit.
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This post was last modified on oct. 1, 2015, 5:31 PM 17:31