In imaginea de mai sus il puteti vedea in dreapta pe Andy Hertzfeld si in stanga pe actorul Michael Stuhlbarg care il interpreteaza in filmul Steve Jobs, cei doi avand cateva intalniri pentru a discuta detaliile interpretarii facute in filmul celor de la Universal.
Conform lui Hertzfeld filmul Steve Jobs deviaza de la realitate in fiecare scena regizata de catre Danny Boyle, insa el prezinta totusi cateva dintre partile ascunse dar adevarate din caracterul fostului CEO al companiei Apple, Steve Jobs.
It deviates from reality everywhere — almost nothing in it is like it really happened — but ultimately that doesn’t matter that much. The purpose of the film is to entertain, inspire and move the audience, not to portray reality. It is cavalier about the facts but aspires to explore and expose the deeper truths behind Steve’s unusual personality and behavior, and it often but not always succeeds at that.
Hertzfeld spune ca scenaristul Aaron Sorkin l-a intrebat cum ar fi reactionat in realitate Steve Jobs in unele dintre momentele prezentate in film si desi acesta i-a explicat ca in realitate fostul CEO Apple nu a reactionat asa cum este prezentat in scenariu, partea artistica a contat mai mult.
[Sorkin] asked me how Steve would react to a specific situation, involving the speech demo failing. I pointed out that it didn’t happen in reality, and we had a lengthy discussion about artistic license, about how okay it is to diverge from reality. Basically, he convinced me it was not a documentary, so veracity is secondary to artistic considerations, and “it’s a painting, not a photograph.
Practic Hertzfeld ne spune ca majoritatea filmului Steve Jobs este pura fictiune si ca multe dintre actiunile lui Steve Jobs sunt prezentate intr-un mod exagerat pentru a fi atractive publicului larg, dar ca unele parti ale personalitatii fostului CEO Apple sunt reale.
This post was last modified on oct. 2, 2015, 5:27 PM 17:27