3D Touch ajunge in smartphone-urile Android multumita companiei Synaptics care a anuntat in cursul acestei zile lansarea unui nou tip de controller pentru ecranele tactile, el fiind capabil sa faca diferenta dintre apasarile puternice si usoare.
ClearPad 3700 este denumirea acestui nou tip de controller, el urmand a ajunge cel mai probabil in smartphone-urile Android ale anului urmator, asa ca Samsung, HTC si alte companii vor putea urma Huawei si Apple in implementarea sistemelor 3D Touch in propriile produse.
Vicepresedintele senior al celor de la Synaptics a confirmat faptul ca anumiti producatori sunt interesati de aceasta solutie de a aduce un sistem similar 3D Touch in smartphone-urile Android incepand de anul viitor, adoptia putand fi una la scara larga in randul terminalelor.
3D Touch este o functie foarte apreciata in iPhone 6S si iPhone 6S Plus si diferentiaza aceste terminale de cele Android care nu au deocamdata asemenea functii, exceptie facand Huawei Mate S, care totusi nu va fi lansat prea curand pe piata, desi a fost anuntat inaintea iPhone 6S.
This exciting next step in human interface for smartphones will soon become the norm and highlights Synaptics’ leadership in force. Early adopters of ClearForce include industry leading OEMs and LCMs seeking advanced technology that drives an enhanced and more productive user experienced.
Avand in vedere ca Apple a implementat 3D Touch in terminalele sale era de asteptat ca o solutie similara 3D Touch sa ajunga in smartphone-urile Android, iar acum totul a fost confirmat oficial, deci ramane doar sa vedem cat va dura pana cand tehnologia va fi oferita.
Spre deosebire de iOS, in Android 3D Touch ar putea oferi o multitudine de alte functii, inclusiv unele pentru personalizarea optiunilor, lucru de care utilizatorii de iDevice-uri nu au parte in momentul de fata si probabil nici nu vor avea prea curand.
SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 6, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Synaptics Inc. (NASDAQ: SYNA), the leading developer of human interface solutions, today announced three new series of ClearPad® discrete touch controller solutions, enabling increased functionality and entirely new dimensions of touch, including force sensing for smartphones, tablets and automotive applications. This latest expansion of the ClearPad portfolio further demonstrates Synaptics’ technology leadership in discrete touch solutions, giving OEMs the ability to deliver the most innovative user experience to consumers.
“Our broad patent portfolio and years of proven experience in touch technology has once again enabled us to provide smartphone OEMs and LCMs with cutting-edge user experience solutions,” said Kevin Barber, senior vice president, general manager, Smart Display Division, Synaptics. “The latest ClearPad family of products extends into multiple market segments with exciting new functionality and underscores Synaptics’ innovation and leadership in creating unmatched touch solutions.”
Synaptics 3700 Series:
- Latest flagship discrete touch controller for smartphones
- Supports new technologies including ClearForce variable force sensing, and SideTouch™ for edge gesturing such as scroll and tap — as featured in the new Xiaomi Mi4c
- Massive performance upgrade, doubling MIPS and memory over its predecessor to enable advanced features
- Supports unique active and passive stylus capabilities as well as non-touch hover performance at distances up to 25mm
Synaptics 3600 Series:
- Optimized for mainstream smartphones
- New silicon architecture for improved touch performance
- Supports new features without additional cost, including enhanced gloved touch, two finger tracking with moisture on display, multiple user-defined gesture recognition, and FaceDetect™ Plus, eliminating the need for a proximity sensor
Synaptics 7800 Series:
- Optimized for large touch screens up to 17.3 inches, including notebooks, tablets and automotive applications
- Processing power that doubles previous generation large touch screen controllers, enabling advanced features and performance needed for larger smart devices
- Features 1mm passive pen support and excellent palm rejection performance
- Advanced moisture and glove performance as well as low power wake-up gestures enhance user experience
ClearPad 3700 and 7800 series are both currently in mass production. ClearPad 3600 series is broadly sampling with mass production slated for Q4 2015.