Piesa I Was Me a celor de la Imagine Dragons este disponibila in exclusivitate prin intermediul iTunes, iar donatia celor de la Apple este doar unul dintre numeroasele proiecte caritabile derulate in Cupertino dupa moartea lui Steve Jobs.
Fie ca vorbim despre refugiatii din Orientul Mijlociu care au ajuns in Europa, fie ca vorbim despre refugiati din diverse state africane, banii incasati din vanzarea piesei Imagine Dragons – I Was Me vor ajunge la ONU care va directiona fondurile acolo unde este nevoie.
The refugee crisis is incredibly urgent in terms of the number of vulnerable people being affected every single day. As a band we wanted to get involved and decided to partner with SAP and Apple to try and make a difference. I Was Me’ is a song about trying to regain your life, which is exactly what millions of people are going through right now. Whether it is by downloading this track or by other means, we hope people everywhere recognize the severity of the situation and find a way to assist these families in desperate need.
Daca doriti sa sustineti campania Apple si a celor de la Imagine Dragons, puteti descarca piesa I Was Me din iTunes Store urmand acest link.
This post was last modified on oct. 12, 2015, 9:42 PM 21:42