Ce termeni accepti cand instalezi OS X El Capitan

Majoritatea celor care instaleaza diverse programe sau sisteme de operare in calculatoare sau terminale mobile nu citesc termenii si conditiile de utilizare ale respectivelor dispozitive si nu stiu cu ce sunt de acord din momentul in care incep sa foloseasca acel software.

Dorind sa afle ce accepta in mod tacit atunci cand instaleaza si foloseste OS X El Capitan in propriul Mac, un avocat a decis sa citeasca termenii si conditiile de utilizare ale sistemului de operare, el avand nevoie de doar 33 de minute pentru a descifra tot ceea ce vedeti mai jos.

Conform termenilor si conditiilor Apple, utilizatorii OS X EL Capitan nu au voie sa pirateze software, sistemul de operare este doar imprumutat utilizatorilor, de fapt orice fel de software Apple este doar imprumutat, chiar daca noi platim bani pentru a-l “cumpara”.

Utilizatorilor li se interzice sa remixeze vocile care anunta ora, vanzarea de acces pentru screen sharing este deasemenea interzisa, iar in aceeasi masura esteinterzisa efecuarea a mai mult de o copie a OS X EL Capitan sau oferirea de ajutor unei persoane care doreste sa isi creeze un hackintosh.

Mai multi termeni inutili gasiti mai jos.

  1. I can’t use the Capitan with illegal copies of anyone’s stuff.
  2. Apple didn’t sell me this software. They still own it, in fact. I’m just borrowing it.
  3. If I install more Apple software, those are on loan as well.
  4. I can use the Capitan in two virtual Machines, and on one
  5. But these VM’s cannot be used for business. The only exception is for software developers (I guess they wouldn’t follow this rule anyways.)
  6. I’ve got to read the separate rules that came with the fonts, and obey them. (I can only borrow those too.)
  7. Those cool voices for the clock? — no remixing!
  8. Slideshows made with Photo; same deal, don’t even think about using them for some commercial purpose.
  9. I can’t sell access to my Mac via any kind of screen sharing.
  10. I gotta run it on Apple hardware (no Hackintoshes).
  11. I can’t help anyone else do that.
  12. I can make one copy as a backup.
  13. I can’t try to figure out the source code to any of this.
  14. I gotta follow all my local laws while I’m using it. (!) (Really? Whereever I live?)
  15. can leave the software on the Mac if I sell it or give it away.
  16. I better not use anyone else’s hacked version.
  17. Apple isn’t responsible for my hurt feelings for anything I see on the web.
  18. If I break any of these rules, this deal is over and I must immediately delete everything.
  19. The Capitan comes as-is.
  20. I can’t send it to Sudan.
  21. I can’t operate a nuclear power plant with it.
  22. I cannot, don’t even think about it, just plain can’t, make money from MPEG/H.264/AVC videos I create. For that, I need to buy another something from somebody.

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