Inbox by Gmail foloseste inteligenta artificiala

Inbox by Gmail este o aplicatie lansata de catre compania Google cu ceva timp in urma in App Store pentru terminalele mobile care folosesc serviciul de email al companiei americane.

Aplicatia Inbox by Gmail foloseste acum sistemul Google Now pentru a crea automat evenimente in Calendarul care este sincronizat cu terminalele noastre, sorteaza email-urile de tip spam si afiseaza in prim-plan email-urile prioritate, sugerand si reminder-uri.

Astazi aplicatia a fost actualizata de catre cei din Mountain View, in ea fiind implementat un sistem de inteligenta artificiala numit Smart Reply, el ajutand la generarea de raspunsuri automate pentru email-urile primite de catre utilizatori, acestea fiind afisata in interfata aplicatiei.

Folosind sistemul de inteligenta artificiala utilizat si de catre Google Now, sistemul va afisa raspunsuri gata scrise pe care utilizatorii le vor putea trimite catre persoanele de la care primesc email-uri fara a mai fi nevoiti sa scrie singuri intreaga expresie in vederea trimiterii ei.

One challenge of working with emails is that the inputs and outputs of the model can be hundreds of words long. This is where the particular choice of recurrent neural network type really matters. We used a variant of a “long short-term-memory” network (or LSTM for short), which is particularly good at preserving long-term dependencies, and can home in on the part of the incoming email that is most useful in predicting a response, without being distracted by less relevant sentences before and after. Of course, there’s another very important factor in working with email, which is privacy. In developing Smart Reply we adhered to the same rigorous user privacy standards we’ve always held — in other words, no humans reading your email. This means researchers have to get machine learning to work on a data set that they themselves cannot read, which is a little like trying to solve a puzzle while blindfolded — but a challenge makes it more interesting!

Conform celor de la Google, reteaua sa analizeaza email-urile primite de utilizatori, in timp ce o a doua retea creeaza un raspuns automat pentru mesajul primit de catre persoana, acesta fiind afisat direct in interfata aplicatiei pentru ca utilizatorul sa il poata trimite rapid.

Schimbarea urmeaza sa fie disponibila in aplicatia Inbox by Gmail incepand de asptamana aceasta, asa ca veti mai avea putin de asteptat pana cand ea va fi disponibila.

Aplicatia Inbox by Gmail este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store.


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