Steve Jobs ar fi fost ingrozit de filmul biografic al Universal

Filmui Steve Jobs, creat in baza singurei biografii autorizate despre Steve Jobs, nu a avut parte de chiar atat de mult succes in box office-ul american, el reusind sa genereze incasari care totalizeaza doar jumatate din suma investita in crearea sa.

Foarte multi apropiati ai lui Steve Jobs au afirmat ca filmul celor de la Universal nu spune adevarata poveste despre fostul CEO al celor din Cupertino, iar unul dintre oamenii care a lucrat indeaproape cu el, Ed Catmull, confirma cam tot ceea ce spun diverse alte persoane despre Steve Jobs.

Mai exact, conform lui, filmul Steve Jobs este o poveste frumoasa scrisa de catre scenaristul Aaron Sorkin, insa majoritatea informatiilor pe care cei de la Universal le prezinta nu sunt adevarate si au fost create doar pentru a atrage lumea in cinematografe, lucru care nu s-a intamplat.

“[The filmmakers] can’t tell the story because the story’s wrong,” Catmull says. “[Steve] went through an arc in his life. There was a time the way he worked with people was not good, and I saw that when I first worked with him. But peo­ple look at that dramatic part, and they’ll make a movie about that — and that’s not the story.

Pana acum niciunul dintre cei care l-au cunoscut pe Jobs nu a laudat in vreun fel filmul casei de productie Universal dincolo de prestatia foarte buna a actorilor, iar aici vorbim despre opinii ale oamenilor care au avut relatii bune si rele cu fostul CEO al companiei Apple.

That was the beginning of a more interesting and complex story because when he left Apple, he then entered into what really is the classic hero’s journey: He’s wandering in the wilderness, he’s working with NeXT, it’s not working. He’s working with Pixar, we’re failing. In that process, Steve learned some major lessons, and he changed. He became an empathetic person, and we all saw this when [the Walter Isaacson book] was being written. Nobody’s going to psychoanalyze Steve while he was alive. That aspect of the change of Steve was missed. That’s the real story.”

Desi filmul Steve Jobs trebuia sa ne prezinte cateva secrete din viata lui Steve Jobs, din pacate nu avem parte de asa ceva si cel mai probabil nici nu vom avea parte prea curand.

This post was last modified on nov. 23, 2015, 8:57 PM 20:57

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