Melodic 2 ofera control total asupra muzicii in iOS 9

Melodic 2 este un tweak

lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile noastre, iar dupa cum v-am spus deja inca din titlu, el aduce control total asupra muzicii in iOS 9.

Mai exact, Melodic 2 ne ofera posibilitatea de a schimba copertile albumelor de melodii disponibile in aplicatia Muzica, permite schimbarea detaliilor oricaror melodii, exportarea melodiilor oriunde dorim noi si multe, multe altele, totul integrat in aplicatia Muzica a iOS 9.

Changing or adding album art, changing song/album/artist/genre details (names, genre, artist), share music via mms, email, airdrop or just export it to a folder. With Melodic 2 you can manage all this! It will also change the ID3Tag metadata of most of the changes you make to your music so that when you export it, you easily import it back into iTunes.

Melodic 2 este disponibil pentru descarcare din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on nov. 25, 2015, 10:52 PM 22:52

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