Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey este disponibil la REDUCERE

Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey a fost promovata drept cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store de catre compania Apple si dupa cum puteti vedea, vorbim despre un joc special creat de catre omul care a adus lumii intregi seria Final Fantasy, el oferindu-ne o experienta extrem de interesanta pentru terminalele noastre.

Conform dezvoltatorilor sai, Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey ne ofera o lume complexa pe care sa o exploram, dar si o poveste extrem de intriganta, totul avand in miloc un motor grafic extrem de bine realizat, dar si un fundal sonor de exceptie pentru a potenta experienta noastra.

Years in development and featuring the talents of legends including Final Fantasy writer Kazushige Nojima and composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, ZODIAC: ORCANON ODYSSEY is the first instalment in an ambitious full-scale JRPG series. ZODIAC’s rich game world, compelling storyline, gorgeous visuals and memorable soundtrack are going to set a new benchmark for the best RPG experience on mobile.

Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey ne ofera nu mai putin de 10 ore de gameplay pentru a ne bucura in iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch-uri, dezvoltatorii creand peste 200 de arme pe care le putem imbunatati pentru a distruge cat mai usor toate creaturile care ne ies in cale.

Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey este un RPG foarte complex in care vom putea controla diverse personaje virtuale pentru a indeplini obiectivele stabilite de catre dezvoltatori si a evolua in joc pentru a descoperi tot ceea ce au creat ei pentru noi.

Set off on an epic journey to discover the hidden truths of Orcanon and the secrets of your own past. Experience a captivating story that you will live and re-live and want to share with your friends. Discover vast new lands and fantastic creatures, meet terrifying foes and unforgettable allies. Embark on exciting quests, exploring the world and discovering its secrets. Battle new enemies and discover hidden treasures while gaining new powers and abilities. Collect hundreds of weapons and valuables and craft them to make them your own. Conquer Orcanon alone, or take on its challenges with your friends!

Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE in format universal din App Store.

This post was last modified on dec. 6, 2015, 12:22 PM 12:22

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