Iata de ce Apple Watch afiseaza extrem de exact ora

Majoritatea celor care cumpara un smartwatch folosesc dispozitivul nu doar pentru functiile inteligente pe care acel produs le ofera, ci si pentru a afla cat este ceasul in diverse momente ale zilei, informatia trebuind sa fie cat se poate de exacta.

Apple stie acest lucru si inginerii care au creat Apple Watch si-au facut o misiune din a afisa cat se poate de exact ora in timp real, compania americana avand un sistem foarte sofisticat pentru a testa Apple Watch si a sincroniza ora exacta cu ceasul prin internet.

Conform lui Kevin Lynch, Apple Watch afiseaza ora de 4 ori mai exact decat un iPhone, compania Apple folosind in procesul de dezvoltare camere care inregistrau fiecare miscare a secundarului pentru a detecta o posibila latenta in miscare si tinerea corecta a orei.

Mai mult decat atat, Apple Watch este sincronizat prin internet cu nu mai putin de 15 servere Apple localizate in diverse zone de pe glob, acestea fiind sincronizate cu o serie de sateliti GPS care orbiteaza pamantul, ideea fiind de a afisa cat se poate de corect ora.

Apple Watch is far more accurate as a timekeeping device than the iPhone. It’s actually four times better, he noted. Through the whole stack, we’ve really paid attention to the accuracy, Apple actually tests that accuracy with high-speed cameras that watch, frame-by-frame, as the Apple Watch second hand moves around, watching closely for even a hint of latency.

Apple acorda o importanta extrem de mare ideii de a afisa foarte corect ora pe Apple Watch, acesta aspect fiind mult mai important decat in cazul afisarii orei corecte pe iPhone, astfel ca exista sanse mari ca Apple Watch sa fi mai exact decat al vostru ceas mecanic.

First of all, we’ve curated our own network time servers around the world. There are, by his count, 15 such “Stratum One”-level Network Time Servers (NTP) (one level down from an atomic clock), scattered around the world. They’re all housed in buildings with GPS antennas on the roof that talk, you guessed it, to GPS satellites orbiting the earth, which all get their time information from the U.S. Naval Observatory. In other words, those satellites are all getting their times from one, big orbiting system.

This post was last modified on dec. 30, 2015, 11:05 PM 23:05

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