Quadro permite controlarea unui PC de pe iPhone

Quadro este o aplicatie disponibila pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea fiind creata special pentru cei care doresc sa controleze un Mac sau un PC cu sistem de operare Windows fara a folosi o tastatura sau un mouse, ci doar iDevice-ul celor de la Apple.

Spre deosebire de alte aplicatii de acest gen disponibile pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-uri in App Store, Quadro a fost gandita pentru a ne permite sa cream propriile scurtaturi pentru controlarea calculatoarelor si sa le aranjam cum dorim in interfata aplicatiei.

Dezvoltatorii sustin ca putem crea o scurtatura pentru a controla aproape orice fel de functie a unui PC si daca dorim putem chiar sa setam ca ele sa fie indeplinite automat la anumite ore sau cand actionam diverse alte comenzi, deci nu trebuie neaparat sa selectam totul.

Quadro is a smart controller for your MAC and WINDOWS computer, a new paradigm in desktop interaction. Create touchable shortcuts to accomplish any digital task, launch every application and all of their actions, automate them, perform online researches, manage your communications and much more, just like you have always dreamed of… with a single tap!

Desigur ca pentru a folosi Quadro va trebui sa instalati in calculatorul vostru un program de tip server la care sa va conectati, in lipsa sa posibilitatea de a va folosi terminalele pentru a controla PC-ul nefiind posibila, o conexiune Wi-Fi fiind necesara pentru acest lucru.

  • Control your favorite apps thanks to 100+ built­-in interface presets
  • Add or remove functions from your personal interfaces
  • Customise how actions look
  • background (with colors, gradients or custom images)
  • size (7 dimensions)
  • icon (use symbols or artworks, 1600+ included)
  • Create new interfaces from scratch for native and web applications
  • Add multiple screens to a single interface to keep your tasks organized
  • Easily create macro sequences and automate your workflow
  • Type from your device to your computer with Keyboard
  • Glide and select text with the Smart Arrows
  • Launch nested actions in a snap with fluid gestures
  • Immediately recall your most used applications thanks to the Favorites section
  • Automatic connection to known computers
  • Share and install interfaces with a simple link
  • Long-press an action to get information about it
  • Connect multiple devices to a single computer (Star Trek mode)
  • Automatically assign icons to new actions
  • Global gestures for the most common commands (copy, paste, undo, redo and more)
  • Custom-designed UI sounds
  • Energy saving mode
  • Auto-recall of interfaces for software in focus
  • Compose your actions choosing among 9 action categories
  • Application (invoke menu actions (OsX only), launch shortcuts, launch iOs actions…)
  • Contacts (send messages, emails, calls…)
  • Text (create snippets, modify strings…)
  • Media (control audio/video playback)
  • Web (launch pages or perform searches)
  • System (sleep mode, display luminosity, empty trash…)
  • Windows (move application windows around)
  • Flow control
  • Scripting

Quadro este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.