Pentru ca are de platit peste 8 miliarde de dolari in taxe restante, cei de la Apple s-au gandit sa inceapa sa adune bani si de unde puteau ei aduna cele mai multe fonduri decat de la utilizatorii normali de iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-uri care cumpara aplicatii din App Store.
Canada, Israel, Mexic, Noua Zeelanda, Rusia, Singapore si Africa de Sud vor avea aplicatii mai scumpe incepand din urmatoarele zile, schimbarea anuntata de catre compania Apple avand drept motivare fluctuatiile de curs valutar dintre euro si moneda nationala a fiecarei tari.
Separat, compania Apple spune ca in Romania preturile pentru aplicatii au ramas neschimbate in ciuda reducerii TVA-ului de la 24% la 20%, dezvoltatorii urmand a primi mai multi bani pentru aplicatii ca urmare a acestei schimbari,a sa ca vor avea mai multe motive sa faca aplicatii grozave.
When foreign exchange rates change, we sometimes need to update prices on the App Store. Within the next 72 hours, prices for apps and In-App Purchases will increase in the following territories:
Canada Israel Mexico New Zealand Russia Singapore South Africa
Subscriptions will not be interrupted in Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, and Singapore. Shortly before their existing subscription renews, subscribers in these territories will receive an email from us to let them know about the price increase with the option to turn off their subscription. Subscribers in Russia and South Africa will need to resubscribe at the new price. Israel will not be impacted, as auto-renewable In-App Purchase subscriptions are not supported there.
Two new low-price tiers will be available for the Canadian and New Zealand App Store: Alternate Tier A and Alternate Tier B. We’ll automatically update the prices for existing apps and In-App Purchases that already use the Alternate Tier A and Alternate Tier B price tiers.
Proceeds for the Romanian App Store have increased to account for the VAT (Value Added Tax) decrease from 24% to 20% effective Jan 1, 2016. Retail prices on the Romanian App Store have not changed.
The Rights and Pricing section of My Apps will be updated with the new prices within 72 hours. You can also download the updated price tier chart.
If you have any questions, contact us.
Best regards, The App Store Team