Apple a lansat aplicatia Music Memos

Music Memos este o noua aplicatie lansata de catre compania Apple in aceasta dupa-amiaza in App Store, ea avand rolul de a inlocui aplicatia Voice Memos care este oferita nativ de atatia ani pentru iDevice-urile noastre.

Music Memos este gandita ca o metoda mai eficienta de a inregistra tot ceea ce se intampla in jurul nostru, ea fiind gandita in principal pentru muzicienii care nu se pot bucura de aplicatia nativa Voice Memos pentru a inregistra muzica in conditii bune.

Aplicatia Music Memos le permite muzicienilor sa inregistreze orice fel de sesiuni de creatie pentru melodii noi, continutul audio fiind inregistrat intr-un format care nu este comprimat, astfel ca vorbim despre calitate foarte buna pentru sunete si acces rapid direct din iOS.

In imaginea de mai sus puteti vedea aplicatia Music Memos si observati ca ea are o interfata foarte intuitiva, ea ajutand utilizatorii sa analizeze ritmurile melodiilor pentru a le imbunatati, optiunea de a asculta mai multe fluxuri audio simultan fiind deasemenea posibila.

Toate sunetele inregistrate prin aplicatia Music Memos pot fi organizate in functie de tipul de sunet, locatia in care au fost inregistrate sau in functie de un rating ales de catre utilizatori, aplicarea de tag-uri facand gasirea melodiei potrivite mult mai usoara.

Aplicatia Music Memos este integrata cu Garageband pentru a facilita imbunatatirea rapida a inregistrarilor prin editarea cu tool-urile oferita de catre aceasta aplicatie si desigur ca iCloud faciliteaza transferul de fisiere intre diverse iDevice-uri.

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Aplicatia Music Memos este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din APp Store Romania.

An all-new app called Music Memos lets musicians and songwriters quickly capture, organize and develop their musical ideas right on their iPhone®. And a major update to GarageBand® for iOS introduces multiple new features, including Live Loops, a fun way for anyone to make music like a DJ using only their iPhone or iPad®.

“Musicians around the world, from the biggest artists to aspiring students, use Apple devices to create amazing music; the innovative new Music Memos app will help them quickly capture their ideas on iPhone and iPad whenever inspiration strikes,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “GarageBand is the most popular music creation app in the world, and this update helps everyone easily tap into their musical talent with the powerful new Live Loops and Drummer features, and adds support for the larger iPad Pro screen and 3D Touch on iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.”

“Sometimes ideas come faster than I can get them into my notebook so I’ve used Voice Memos and Notes to quickly capture songs before they’re lost. Music Memos is like if those two apps came together to form some kind of superpower for songs,” said Ryan Adams, critically acclaimed singer-songwriter and producer. “It quite literally blew my mind how Music Memos could transform a single guitar idea into a whole composition with a virtual drummer loose enough that it felt like you were having your mind read by some A.I. musician and a choice of stand-up or electric bass accompaniments.”

“I recorded my first album using GarageBand and I continue to use it in my music today,” said T-Pain, Grammy Award-winning artist and producer. “I love how the new Live Loops in GarageBand lets me quickly build tracks and beats, and even perform effects like a musical instrument. It’ll change the way an entire generation makes music.”

Musicians and songwriters around the world have used the Voice Memos app on their iPhone to quickly record ideas, and many hit songs first started as Voice Memos. The new Music Memos app is inspired by Voice Memos and takes the functionality even further by adding musician-friendly features designed specifically for songwriting and developing musical ideas. With Music Memos, you can record any musical instrument through the iPhone’s built-in microphone in a high-quality, uncompressed format, then name, tag and rate it to start building a library of your ideas. The app can analyze rhythm and chords of acoustic guitar and piano recordings, and instantly add drums and a bass line to provide a virtual, customizable backing band that plays along to match the feel of your song. Music Memos can even provide basic notation that displays the chords that were played. With iCloud® your Music Memos are automatically available across all your Apple devices so you can open them in GarageBand or Logic Pro X℠ to further develop your songs. Musicians can easily share their ideas via email or with their fans through Apple Music™ Connect. For more information about the new Music Memos app, visit,