iPad Pro – performante apropiate de Intel Core M

iPad Pro are un chip A9X care ofera performante apropiate de cele ale procesoarelor Intel Core M implementate de catre diversi producatori de PC-uri in ultrabook-uri, aceste afiind versiunile low-end ale seriei de procesoare Intel.

Intr-un test de performanta foarte complex, iPad Pro cu al sau chip A9X a fost comparata cu MacBook Retina 12 inch, Transformer Book T300 Chi si ASUS ZenBook UX305CA, primele doua avand procesoare Intel Core M low-end, in timp ce produsul ASUS are un procesor Skylake Intel Core M3.

In benchmark-ul SPECint2006† tableta iPad Pro a castigat jumtate dintre testele de performanta facute in comparatie cu MacBook Retina 12 inch si ASUS ZenBook UX305CA, Transformer Book T300 Chi invingand-o in toate testele care au fost efectuate.

Desi iPad Pro a castigat unele teste facute in comparatie cu acele produse, cand vine vorba despre performantele generale, produsul celor de la Apple nu ieste invingator, insa are rezultate apropiate de cele pe care le ofera proesoarele Intel Core M low-end.

A9X can compete with both Broadwell and Skylake Core M processors, and that’s something Apple couldn’t claim even a generation ago. That it’s only against the likes of Core m3 means that Apple still has a way to go, particularly as A9X still loses by more than it wins, but it’s significant progress in a short period of time and I’ll wager that it’s closer than Intel would like to be, especially if Apple puts A9X into a cheaper iPad Air in the future.

Apple a investit foarte multi bani si continua sa investeasca in dezvoltarea de chip-uri performante pentru iPhone si iPad, iar ceea ce ofera in iPad Pro demonstreaza faptul ca in viitor diferentele dintre procesoarele pentru terminale mobile si cele pentru calculatoare vor fi tot mai mici.

Chip-ul A9X al iPad Pro are un procesor cu doua nuclee tactate la 2.2 GHz, dar si 4 GB RAM DDR 3.

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