Seful diviziei Windows Phone foloseste iPhone

Joe Belfiore este seful diviziei care dezvolta versiunile pentru smartphone, tableta si PC ale Windows, el reprezentand compania la care lucreaza indiferent de modul in care interactioneaza cu oamenii, chiar si atunci cand foloseste un iPhone pentru a publica poze pe Twitter.

In imaginea de mai jos aveti o dovada a faptului ca Joe Belfiore a folosit un iPhone pentru a publica o poza facuta in Japonia, iar situatia in sine este umilitoare atat pentru el, cat si pentru compania Microsoft, un angajat de o asemenea importanta trebuind sa foloseasca terminale Windows Phone.

Joe Belfiore a facut greseala de a publica o poza de pe iPhone direct pe Twitter, asta desi in restul timpului el probabil foloseste un smartphone Windows

ca si terminal principal, el testand cu siguranta si iPhone-uri, dar probabil doar in preajma lansarilor facute de catre compania Apple.

Chiar daca detinerea unui terminal iPhone nu mai este privita cu ochi atat de critici in interiorul Microsoft in momentul de fata, daca seful diviziei Windows Phone nu foloseste terminalele a caror productie o vegheaza, atunci de ce ar face-o utilizatorii de rand ?

UPDATE: Iata si explicatia lui Joe Belfiore pentru utilizarea unui terminal iPhone.

It’s very important for me to understand products like the iPhone and Android phones, which […] represent the competition for Windows Phone […] On a 9-month leave-of-absence, I have a HUGE AND UNUSUAL opportunity to get to know these products deeply. To understand the benefits and drawbacks of a full ecosystem like Windows, Android, iOS — you have to LIVE IN IT. You have to feel its strengths and weaknesses, be let down, be delighted. And you can’t do that just “playing around” with a device for a couple of days. You have to learn the UI, upload your photos, use cross-device apps and tools… all of it.

This post was last modified on ian. 26, 2016, 5:28 PM 17:28

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