Angajatii Apple Store-urilor sunt tratati precum managerii companiei

Angajatii Apple Store-urilor sunt tratati precum managerii companiei Apple, sau cel putin asta sustine Angela Ahrendts, sefa diviziei de retail din cadrul Apple, ea controland tot ceea ce se intampla in magazinele companiei din intreaga lume, dar si in magazinele sale online.

Angela Ahrendts a parasit functia de CEO al companiei Burberry pentru a administra magazinele online si offline ale companiei Apple, ea vorbind intr-un interviu despre primii 2 ani petrecuti in cadrul companiei, dar si despre politica sa de a trata orice angajat precum un manager.

In primele 6 luni dupa acceptarea postului, Angela Ahrendts a vizitat 40 de tari in care Apple are magazine deschise si a discutat cu managerii care le administreaza, ea afirmand ca Apple Store-urile unesc oamenii si ii ajuta pe oameni sa colaboreze mai eficient.

Partea interesanta afirmata de catre Angela Ahrendts este ca in 2015 Apple a avut o rata de retentie de 81% in randul angajatilor, iar asta deoarece ea isi trateaza subalternii exact precum ar trata oricare manager al Apple sau al unei alte companii, respectul oferit si impus altor manageri sa il ofere angajatilor, contribuind la mentinerea unui numar foarte mare de angajati existenti.

We just ended the year with the highest retention rates we’ve ever had: 81%. And the feedback [from Apple Store employees is that it’s] because they feel connected. They feel like one Apple. They don’t feel like they’re just somebody over here working with customers. I don’t see them as retail employees. I see them as executives in the company who are touching the customers with the products that Jony [Ive] and the team took years to build. Somebody has to deliver it to the customer in a wonderful way.

Conform Angelei Ahrendts, unul dintre punctele cheie pentru o rata de retentie atat de mare este si faptul ca in cadrul companiei Apple exista o cultura puternica de a schimba vietile oamenilor care folosesc produsele sau intra intr-un Apple Store, aceasta mentalitate fiind impusa de catre Tim Cook si mentinuta timp de atatia ani.

The thing I didn’t know before I came in—a month in, I told my husband, “I now know why this is one of the most successful companies on the planet: Because the culture is so strong. The pride, the protection, the values.” The company was built to change people’s lives. That foundation, that service mentality, that drive to continue to change lives—that is a core value in the company. And Tim [Cook] then has added his on: He says it’s also our responsibility to leave it better than we found it. So you have these two amazing pillars and a culture built around that. It’s the same in retail and in [Cupertino]. That is the underlying mission, and how could you know that unless you’re inside? But it is deeper than you would ever imagine.

Mai multe detalii despre ceea ce a spus Angela Ahrendts puteti citi in acest interviu.