Camera Reprezentantilor din SUA a cerut in mod oficial ieri ca directorul FBI, James Cormey, si CEO-ul Apple, Tim Cook, sa apara in fata comisiei pentru energie si comcert pentru a explica toata controversa legata de cererea de decriptare a iPhone-ului aflat in posesia FBI.
V-am spus pe parcursul acestor zile despre refuzul Apple de a ajuta FBI in deblocarea unui iPhone detinut de catre unul dintre cei doi teroristi care au ucis 14 persoane intr-un atac armat care a avut loc in San Bernadino, SUA, in luna decembrie a anului trecut.
Ministerul Justitiei din SUA s-a implicat si a acuzat Apple ca incearca sa fie cool refuzand FBI, Apple raspunzand in schimb cu acuzarea FBI-ului ca si-a compromis sansele de a debloca iPhone-ul dupa schimbarea Apple ID-ului folosit initial de catre hacker.
Acum cei din Camera Reprezentantilor din SUA vor sa afle din gura lupului de ce este atat de importanta decriptarea datelor existente in acel iPhone, dar si de ce ajutarea FBi-ului ar fi atat de periculoasa pentru iOS, Cook si Cormey urmand a da declaratii pentru membrii comisiei.
Ultima oara cand Tim Cook a participat la o procedura de acest gen, o comisie a Senatului SUA a dorit sa afle ce fel de tertipuri legale foloseste Apple pentru a-si tine banii departe de SUA, atunci Apple reusind sa convinga senatorii ca nu comite vreun act ilegal.
Acum ramane de vazut cat de convingator va fi Tim Cook in fata comisiei, insa e putin probabil ca Apple sa fie fortata sa faca ceva din moment ce are sustinerea unui numar atat de mare de companii in spate.
We invite you to testify before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, about the issues presented by the ongoing debate related to encryption technologies.
Over the last year, with the growing availability and adoption of strong encryption measures by commercial technology providers, there has been an increasingly public and heated debate about the costs and benefits of encryption technologies, in particular, the impact these technologies have on law enforcement’s capabilities to investigate criminal conduct. …
This debate has now come to a critical juncture with the recent order by a federal magistrate to your company to assist the FBI in “unlocking” a security feature of a phone allegedly used by one of the perpetrators of terrorist acts in San Bernardino, California in December 2015. According to news reports, there are a number of other law enforcement officials around the country considering use of authorities to compel similar assistance by technology manufacturers. …
We anticipate this hearing will occur at the Committee’s earliest opportunity and we are grateful for your cooperation.
This post was last modified on feb. 20, 2016, 11:35 AM 11:35