In ziua de astazi zvonurile fac parte din viata zilnica a oricarei persoane care urmareste lumea tehnologiei si asta deoarece niciun producator nu poate, sau poate chiar nu vrea, sa tina secrete informatii privind produsele pe care le dezvolta in vederea lansarii.
Practic, informatii privind dezvoltarea unui nou produs apar si cu un an inainte ca el sa fie lansata, iar acest lucru este acceptat de catre multi ca fiind normal, China fiind principala sursa de informatii, acolo secreetle avand aceeasi valoare cu un castron de orez condimentat.
In 2002 lucrurile stateau altfel si zvonurile privind lansarea unor produse noi apareau mult mai rar, insa jurnalistul John Markoff al New York Times spunea pe 19 august 2002 ca Apple va lansa un telefon mobil, informatiile avand la baza refuzul Apple de a coopera cu Palm pentru a interconecta dispozitivele Palm la sistemul de operare OS X.
5 ani mai tarziu, Steve Jobs prezenta primul iPhone, al carui dezvoltare incepuse prin 2005, iar de atunci zvonurile au inceput sa se intensifice in fiecare an, jurnalistii incercand de fiecare data sa obtina in exclusivitate cat mai multe informatii relevante cu privire la produsele Apple.
And now come signs that Mr. Jobs means to take Apple back to the land of the handhelds, but this time with a device that would combine elements of a cellphone and a Palm -like personal digital assistant.
Mr. Jobs and Apple decline to confirm those plans. But industry analysts see evidence that Apple is contemplating what inside the company is being called an “iPhone.”
Among the evidence, they say, is recent behind-the-scenes wrangling between Palm and Apple over linking Palm’s own devices to Apple’s new operating system — apparently with little cooperation on Apple’s part.
Certainly, Apple’s push into the market for a hand-held communicator would be an abrupt departure for Mr. Jobs, who continues publicly to disavow talk of such a move. But analysts and people close to the company say that the plan is under way and that the evidence is manifest in the features and elements of the new version of the Macintosh operating system.