NCApps este un tweak disponibil din cursul acestei zile in Cydia pentru iPhone si iPod Touch-urile care ruleaza sistemul de operare iOS 9, el oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a deschide aplicatii direct in Notifications Center, imaginea de mai jos prezentand cat se poate de clar functionaltiatea sa.
Conform dezvoltatorului NCApps, orice aplicatie deschisa in Notifications Center functioneaza ca si cum ar fi deschisa in modul normal al sistemului de operare iOS 9, deci practic vom beneficia de toata functionalitatea pe care acea aplicatie o ofera pentru noi in mod normal.
La inchidere, NCApps tine minte ultima aplicatie deschisa in Notifications Center si o redeschide pentru noi, insa aplicatiile nu sunt mentinute permanent deschise in background pentru a nu consuma energie din baterie, asa cum se intampla in mod normal cu aplicatiile deschise in background-ul sistemului de operare iOS 9.
NCApps allows you to quickly access an application from within a new notification center tab. When first opened you will be presented with an option to select an app. After an app is selected you can interact with it as you would if it were fully launched. When closing the notification center, NCApps will remember which app you last had open in its tab and reopen it next time you open it for quicker access.
This post was last modified on iun. 30, 2016, 9:03 PM 21:03