Aplicatia Skype a fost actualizata cu functii noi pentru utilizatori

Aplicatia Skype pentru iPhone a fost actualizata in cursul acestei seri in App Store, compania Microsoft implementand o serie de modificari extrem de utile pentru iPhone-urile noastre.

In actualizarea lansata astazi, Microsoft: simplifica procesul de descoperire a robotilor virtuali skype, imbunatateste modul de redare al notificarilor, permite folosirea de @mentiuni pentru conversatii, afiseaza informatii privind eventuale probleme de conexiune si a imbunatatit experienta de trimitere sa mesajelor voce.

  • Skype bots:
    • We’ve made it easier to find bots on Skype – just tap on the bot icon in your Recent header.
    • Found a helpful bot? Tap the conversation header while chatting to a bot and add it to your favorites.
  • Notification improvements:
    • We’ve improved the reliability of your notifications.
    • Muted conversations no longer appear in your unread message count.
  • Chat improvements:
    • Get your friend’s attention with @mentions. Simply type @ followed by your friend’s name to mention them in any message.
    • You’ll now see when Skype is updating your conversations or when you’re having network problems.
    • We’ve made improvements to voice messaging, so it should now work for everyone!

Aplicatia Skype pentru iOS este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store.

Skype video grup - iDevice.ro