Un nou concept de cinematograf 3D fara ochelari

Cinematografele se bucura de un real succes in ale filmelor 3D. Singurul minus, mare pentru multi dintre noi, il reprezinta ochelarii ochelari activi sau pasivi pe care toti spectatorii trebuie sa ii purtam atunci cand mergem la un film 3D.

Tocmai de aceea,  laboratorul CSAIL (Computers Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab) din cadrul MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) a dezvoltat o noua tehnologie, care poate sa ne ofere experienta 3D fara a folosi ochelari.

“Existing approaches to glasses-free 3-D require screens whose resolution requirements are so enormous that they are completely impractical,This is the first technical approach that allows for glasses-free 3-D on a large scale.”

Au mai existat astfel de tentative ce ofereau afisarea de filme 3D fara ochelari insa ofereau o experienta vizuala cu rezolutie scazuta si unghiuri de vizibilitate reduse.

Prototipul „Cinema 3D” foloseste o serie de lentile si oglinzi realizate special pentru salile de cinema pentru a afisa material 3D fara ochelari din orice colt te-ai afla.

“With a 3-D TV, you have to account for people moving around to watch from different angles, which means that you have to divide up a limited number of pixels to be projected so that the viewer sees the image from wherever they are.The authors [of Cinema 3D] cleverly exploited the fact that theaters have a unique set-up in which every person sits in a more or less fixed position the whole time”

Cei care dezvolta acest prototip ne spun ca avantajele fata de un sistem 3D clasic, cu ochelari polarizati, ar fi pastrarea intensitatii culorilor, a rezolutiei, si lipsa ochelarilor ce s-ar putea chiar si rupe.

Insa, pana acest lucru se va infaptui in cinematografe probabil ca va dura ceva timp.

“It remains to be seen whether the approach is financially feasible enough to scale up to a full-blown theater,But we are optimistic that this is an important next step in developing glasses-free 3-D for large spaces like movie theaters and auditoriums.”

This post was last modified on iul. 30, 2016, 8:28 AM 08:28

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