Poke-Drone, drona special conceputa pentru a ajuta impatimitii sa prinda mai multi pokemoni

TRNDlabs, o companie ce lanseaza drone pe banda rulanta, a lansat zilele trecute un filmulet anuntand introducerea pe piata a Pokédrone.

Rolul Pokedronei ar fi, evident, prinderea creaturilor din jocul Pokemon din cele mai dificile zone de patruns pentru jucatori.

S-au facut deja zeci de teste si jocul se sincronizeaza perfect cu locatia GPS al dronei astfel incat impatimitii jocului sa se poata juca de la distanta.  Pokedrone are optiuni automate de aterizare dar si de decolare in asa fel incat jucatorul sa se concentreze doar la joc.

Totusi, conform the verbe, sunt si cateva mici probleme.

  • Selling a product with the word “poké” in the name, which I’m pretty sure Nintendo would have some legal issues with. (TRNDlabs views this as a “less urgent” concern at this point in time).
  • The drone claims to work by spoofing the GPS input from the iPhone to the Pokémon Go
    app with the drone’s GPS signal, which is not possible to do without jailbreaking your iPhone or using Apple’s dev tools.
  • Spoofing GPS is against the spirit of the game and my editor, Paul Miller, only approves of it in the case of stunts and Twitch Plays Pokémon Go. (It’s also probably against the terms of service of the game and would probably get you banned.)
  • The video depicts using the camera input of the drone with Pokémon Go‘s AR mode, which is also not possible to do without jailbreaking your iPhone or using Apple’s dev tools.

 TRNDlabs lucreaza activ la drona si spera să o trimita pentru antrenamente cu ea in curand.

This post was last modified on iul. 28, 2016, 10:08 AM 10:08

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