De ce sa ne limitam la carcasele pentru iPhone simple? De ce sa nu avem o carcasa interschimbabila precum carcasa “Anti-Gravity MEGAVERSE – MegaBacks” ?
Acest model de carcasa poate avea mai multe intrebuintari. In primul rand este o carcasa anti-gravitatie datorita materialului cu multiple mini ventuze :
The Anti-Gravity MEGAVERSE is a proof of concept for all of us that small is the new big and that’s why we launch our products through crowdfunding. This is the place where the tiny come together to make big things happen. This is the place where everyday things are made better by everyday people and that’s why we’re here. care deasemenea o puteti transforma intr-o carcasa portofel, adaugandu-i back-ul wallet :
Dar si intr-o carcasa oglinda…