Daca v-ati lasati de tigari si apelati la tigara electronica sau pur si simplu va place narghileaua, cei de la Vaportronix vin cu un produs revolutionar pentru voi: carcasa pentru iPhone cu tigara electronica integrata. Cu VQ si VQStick compania incearca sa ofere consumatorilor lor una dintre cele mai simple moduri de a “pufai” orice substanta pe care o doresc. Legala, evident!
Pur si simplu fixati cartusul in carcasa si sunteti gata de plecare. VQStick-ul nu ramane niciodata fara baterie deoarece este proiectat sa se incarce in secunda in care este introdusa inapoi in carcasa.
After many years in development, Vaportronix, LLC is proud to present to you the VQ.
The VQ: Our one of a kind iPhone 6/6S case that gives you a place to store our amazing VQ Electronic Cigarette / Vaporizer and charge it, so you are never faced with the problem of it dying when you least expect it.
We have put a lot of time, blood, sweat, and tears into making this product for you.
We hope you love it as much as we do.
This is the new chapter in our story and we welcome all of you to help write it with us.
We will be posting updates, future products, featured articles, and more so stay tuned to see what the future of this industry holds.
-Steven Stanimirovic
Co-Founder & CEO
Deja se fac glume pe seama acestui produs, unii spunand ca pana si Agentul 007 ar fi in extaz de l-ar avea pe mana lui.
Pretul porneste de la 99.99$.