iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus au succes mult mai mare decat predecesoarele lor, asa cum probabil unii analisti se asteptau inca din vara. Conform unor date adunate de catre o companie specializata pe analizarea vanzarilor de terminale iPhone, noile smartphone au inregistrat vanzari mai mari decat iPhone 6S si iPhone 6S Plus, desi Apple nu a oferit cifre privind vanzarile.
Vorbim aici despre vanzarile iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus din prima luna de disponibilitate pe piata, acestea fiind mai mari decat cele inregistrate pentru iPhone 6S si iPhone 6S Plus. Diferenta fata de iPhone 6/6 Plus nu este foarte mare, insa noile modele nu au inregistrat vanzari la fel de bune precum predecesoarele lor.
“The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus launch falls between the wildly-successful iPhone 6 and 6 Plus launch in 2014, and the somewhat disappointing launch of the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in 2015. The combined share for the 7 and 7 Plus launch is up slightly from the 71% share for the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in 2015, and down considerably from the 81% share for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in 2014. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus benefitted from a new form factor, a larger screen, and the introduction of the even larger and premium-priced Plus model.”
iPhone 7 are succes mai mare ca iPhone 6S, atrage mai multi utilizatori Android
In ceea ce priveste atragerea utilizatorilor Android, se pare ca 17% dintre cei care au cumparat iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus au avut un smartphone Android, procentul fiind de 12% pentru iPhone 6S/6S Plus. Diferenta este una destul de mare si s-ar putea traduce in cateva milioane de unitati vandute in plus de catre Apple fostilor utilizatori Android.
“The two more successful iPhone launches in the last three years were driven by existing loyal iPhone owners who upgrade to a new iPhone model, and rely less on Android owners who switch to an iPhone. When Apple launched the less compelling iPhone 6S and 6S Plus models in 2015, existing iPhone owners essentially sat out the upgrade cycle. Then, 26% of iPhone buyers came from Android, while after the very successful iPhone 6 and 6 Plus launch in 2014, only 12% of new iPhone buyers can from Android.”
Apple s-a laudat din plin cu faptul ca a reusit sa atraga mai multi utilizatori Android catre platforma iPhone in toamna acestui an, lucru confirmat si din surse terte. Se pare ca iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus sunt totusi suficient de convingatoare pentru a aduce clienti din alte medii, iar Apple va incerca probabil sa tina vanzarile de acest gen la un nivel cat mai ridicat.
This post was last modified on nov. 17, 2016, 7:41 AM 07:41