Saga plangerilor privind neimplementarea a 32 GB RAM in noul MacBook Pro continua, iar vicepresedintele Apple, Phil Schiller, a vorbit din nou despre acest lucru. Intr-un interviu aparut in cursul acestei zile, el afirma ca Apple a ales sa nu implementeze 32 GB RAM in noul MacBook Pro, deoarece spatiul ramas pentru baterii ar fi fost substantial redus.
Schiller sustine ca noul MacBook Pro foloseste RAM extrem de rapid, care are frecvente de lucru de pana la 2133 MHz, aceasta strategie fiind demna de lauda. Daca Apple ar fi implementat o cantitate dubla, consumul de energie ar fi fost mai mare, insa spatiul necesar montarii acestor module RAM ar fi fortat si o regandire a design-ului componentelor interne.
Noul MacBook Pro foloseste RAM LPDDR3E, care este o versiune speciala ce consuma foarte putina energie, o versiunea DDR 4 existand deasemenea. Problema cu aceasta versiune sta in faptul ca ea nu este compatibila cu procesoarele Intel implementate in noul model al MacBook Pro, deci Apple nu s-ar fi putut folosi de aceste componente.
“To put more than 16GB of fast RAM into a notebook design at this time would require a memory system that consumes much more power and wouldn’t be efficient enough for a notebook. I hope you check out this new generation MacBook Pro, it really is an incredible system.”
Conform unor teste facute pe MacBook Pro si calculatoare cu Windows, modulele RAM LPDDR3E folosite de catre Apple consuma 1.5W in timpul folosiri. Modulele RAM DDR 4 consuma intre 3 – 5W in timpul folosirii, diferenta fiind enorma, iar Apple a preferat sa faca rabat la performanta de dragul oferirii unei autonomiii foarte bune pentru laptop-uri.
“Apple have been using LPDDR for several generations of their notebooks, and it’s part of the way that they get very long standby time on them. Switching to DDR4 would drastically decrease it from the 30 days of standby time that they get now to less than one week. With DDR4 they’d have produced a notebook that would have a completely drained battery if it was at 50% charge and you closed the lid and left it for a few days. Not only would that be annoying, but by running the battery flat often it would end up damaging a percentage of their batteries because they’d frequently get 100% discharged, which puts a lot of stress on them, and sometimes even kills them.”
In esenta, totul se rezuma la compromisuri pentru Apple, iar mai totdeauna cei din Cupertino ajung sa fie ironizati din cauza lor.