Apple se opune politicii de imigrare a lui Donald Trump

Vineri noapte Donald Trump a semnat un ordin prezidential prin care interzice accesul in SUA pentru cetatenii a 7 tari pe care el le considera a fi pline de teroristi. Chiar daca persoanele din aceste tari aveau cart verzi, sau vise pentru acces in SUA, unele au fost retinute in aeroporturile americand cand au aterizat dupa semnarea ordinului.

Masura lui Donald Trump este una fara precedent in ultimele decenii, iar Apple si Google se opun in mod public noii politici de imigrare a noului presedinte american. Google le-a cerut deja angajatilor din diverse tari sa se intoarca in SUA cat inca mai pot, iar Apple urmeaza o strategie similara, Tim Cook afirmand ca nu sustine politica lui Donald Trump.

Intr-o scrisoare trimisa angajatilor in cursul noptii trecute, Tim Cook a afirmat ca angajatii care sunt afectati de catre acest ordin prezidential vor primi tot suportul Apple. Mai mult decat atat, compania s-a plans Casei Albe in legatura cu implicatiile pe care acest ordin le are si desigur ca nu este singura, insa probabil putin ii va pasa lui Donald Trump.

Irak, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Libia, Siria si Yemen sunt cele 7 tari ale caror cetateni nu pot intra pe teritoriul SUA timp de 90 de zile indiferent ce fel de documente au. Separat de ei, refugiatilor li se interzice accesul in SUA timp de 120 de zile, in timp ce toti refugiatii din Siria au interdictie permanenta de a intra pe teritoriul american.

Practic, Donald Trump a inchis complet granitele oamenilor proveniti din tari in care ISIS, si diverse alte organizatii teroriste, controleaza zone vaste de teren si un numar mare de cetateni.


In my conversations with officials here in Washington this week, I’ve made it clear that Apple believes deeply in the importance of immigration — both to our company and to our nation’s future. Apple would not exist without immigration, let alone thrive and innovate the way we do.

I’ve heard from many of you who are deeply concerned about the executive order issued yesterday restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. I share your concerns. It is not a policy we support.

There are employees at Apple who are directly affected by yesterday’s immigration order. Our HR, Legal and Security teams are in contact with them, and Apple will do everything we can to support them. We’re providing resources on AppleWeb for anyone with questions or concerns about immigration policies. And we have reached out to the White House to explain the negative effect on our coworkers and our company.

As I’ve said many times, diversity makes our team stronger. And if there’s one thing I know about the people at Apple, it’s the depth of our empathy and support for one another. It’s as important now as it’s ever been, and it will not weaken one bit. I know I can count on all of you to make sure everyone at Apple feels welcome, respected and valued.

Apple is open. Open to everyone, no matter where they come from, which language they speak, who they love or how they worship. Our employees represent the finest talent in the world, and our team hails from every corner of the globe.

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “We may have all come on different ships, but we are in the same boat now.”


This post was last modified on ian. 29, 2017, 8:03 AM 08:03

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