Yahoo Weather update a fost lansat in App Store

Yahoo Weather este o aplicatie dezvoltata de catre compania Yahoo! pentru posesorii de iDevice-uri, ea oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a vizualiza in timp real informatii detaliate despre vremea unei varietati de locatii de pe glob folosind o interfata intuitiva si cu multe detalii importante.

Noua versiune a aplicatiei Yahoo Weather rezolva unele probleme de functionare ale versiunii anterioare, imbunatatind in acelasi timp experienta de folosire si rapiditatea cu care sunt afisate informatiile.

“We found and fixed an issue with some weather messages in certain languages. Without going into too much detail, we’re really sorry about that, and we hope you Czech back in as soon as possible for the latest update!”

Yahoo Weather este disponibila gratuit, in format universal, in App Store urmand acest link.

This post was last modified on feb. 6, 2017, 9:41 AM 09:41

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