Springtomize 4 a fost lansat pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch care au jailbreak facut pe iOS 10, noua versiune a tweak-ului putand fi instalata chiar acum. Springtomize 4 aduce pentru utilizatori nu mai putin de 100 de optiuni diferite pentru personalizarea interfetei de utilizator a sistemului de operare iOS 10, in aproape orice aspect doriti.
Modificarile oferite de catre Springtomize 4 pot fi implementate prin intermediul unui meniu de setari existent in aplicatia Settings, Configurari, a iOS 10. Toate modificarile existente in Springtomize 4 pot fi implementate in timp real de catre utilizatori, asa ca nu este necesar sa facem un respring pentru terminalele noastre daca dorim sa le vedem “in actiune”.
Springtomize 4 vine si cu o functie noua numita Profiles, aceasta oferind posibilitatea de a crea variate configuratii de interfata si functii, pe care le putem schimba printr-o simpla apasare. In final, Springtomize 4 imbunatateste semnificativ performantele generale ale modului sau de functionare, astfel ca utilizatorii au parte de cea mai buna experienta.
Springtomize 4 poate fi cumparat din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia, fiind compatibil cu toate iDevice-urile care au jailbreak pe iOS 10.
“Customize your device like never before.
Springtomize 4 is the only tweak you will need to customize your device the way you like it. With more than 100 different options, from the number and the size of icons on the homescreen, to animations, to even the most remote aspect of iOS, you will finally have full control over how your device looks and behaves.
Modify and apply settings in seconds.
We have worked really hard to deliver you the best user experience, and this is why most of the options in Springtomize 4 no longer require a respring and can be applied in real time. Moreover, for the very few options that do require a respring, Springtomize will show you a beautiful Status Bar notification.
Profiles is a groundbreaking new feature for you to experience Springtomize in a much better way than you ever have.
With Profiles, you can maintain an unlimited amount of different configurations and switch back and forth among them.
This for example allows you to keep a “Clean” profile, with hidden icon labels and some other minimalistic options, as well as a “Fun” profile with dozens of cool animations, custom fonts etc.
You can add, duplicate and remove profiles with ease in its dedicated section in the Settings.
Unmatched performances and efficiency.
We have been rewriting Springtomize 4 from scratch with an eye out for iOS 10, which means that it is much faster, more energy efficient and more user friendly.
It is powered by a powerful settings engine which is technically superior to any other configuration management tool you may have used before.”
This post was last modified on apr. 3, 2017, 8:25 PM 20:25