Tim Cook vorbeste despre Steve Jobs, HomePod si realitatea augmentata

Tim Cook, presedintele companiei Apple, a vorbit intr-un interviu recent despre foarte multe aspecte ale activitatii sale, dar si despre ceea ce inca mai inseamna Steve Jobs. Tim Cook si-a facut un obicei de a face tot mai multe dezvaluiri despre modul in care functioneaza Apple, iar asa aflam si noi ce se mai intampla prin compania pe care o urmarim.

Pentru inceput, Tim Cook spune ca “ADN-ul” lui Steve Jobs va fi resimtit in cadrul companiei Apple chiar si peste 50 de ani de la moartea acestuia. Cook da de inteles ca Steve Jobs si-a pus atat de mult amprenta asupra Apple incat nici el, sau alt viitor presedinte, nu va putea eradica ceea ce a facut co-fondatorul companiei americane.

Cook spune ca Steve Jobs a impus in cadrul Apple ideea de a avea intotdeauna atentie la cele mai mici detalii, de a face totul cat mai simplu si de a lansa produse grozave, indiferent de sitautie.

“Steve’s DNA will always be the base for Apple. It’s the case now. I want it to be the case in 50 years, whoever’s the CEO. I want it to be the case in 100 years, whoever’s CEO. Because that is what this company is about. His ethos should drive that—the attention to detail, the care, the ­simplicity, the focus on the user and the user experience, the focus on building the best, the focus that good isn’t good enough, that it has to be great, or in his words, ‘insanely great.’”

Mergand mai departe, Cook afirma ca Apple a pus Siri mai mult in centrul HomePod decat muzica, iar asta deoarece utilizarea Siri in case este o functie cu care oamenii sunt obisnuiti. Presedintele Apple spune ca isi poate controla casa de pe iPhone folosind Siri, iar combinand HomePod cu un Apple TV, un iPhone si un Mac, promovarea Siri are mai multa logica decat a pune accent pe muzica.

“Today, pre-HomePod, I can control my home using Siri through the iPhone. When I get up in the morning, my iPhone is my alarm clock. I say, “Good morning,” and all of a sudden my lights come on […We’re also in the home through Apple TV [as well as iPad and Mac]. The thing that has arguably not gotten a great level of focus is music in the home. So we decided we would combine great sound and an intelligent speaker.”

Ajungand la inteligenta artificiala, Tim Cook este la fel de entuziasmat ca acum cateva luni, afirmand ca ar fi in stare sa strige in gura mare beneficiile aduse de catre ea, El spune ca integrarea in iOS 11 este primul pas spre a transforma tehnologia intr-un utilizata la scara larga si desigur ca are dreptate, ea fiind deja “imbratisata” de catre dezvoltatori in aplicatii.

“I am so excited about it, I just want to yell out and scream. The first step in making it a mainstream kind of experience is to put it in the operating system. We’re building it into iOS 11, opening it to ­developers—and unleashing the creativity of millions of people. Even we can’t predict what’s going to come out.”

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This post was last modified on iun. 15, 2017, 9:21 PM 21:21

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