iPhone – cum afisezi Notificari la Conectarea la Retele Wi-Fi

iPhone are foarte multe functii utile, dar printre ele nu se regaseste una care sa ne permita sa vedem o notificare in momentul in care ne conectam la o retea Wi-Fi. Pentru a face asta este nevoie de instalarea unui tweak numit NotifyWiFi10, acesta avand o gama extrem de diversificata de optiuni care permit notificarea noastra in legatura cu orice fel de modificari privind retelele Wi-Fi.

Dupa instalarea NotifyWiFi10, terminalele iPhone vor afisa totdeauna cate o notificare prin care suntem instiintati cand se face conectarea la o retea Wi-Fi. Mai mult decat atat, prin acea notificare avem optiunea de a ne deconecta de la respectiva retea Wi-Fi, sau putem vedea o serie de informatii cu privire la respectiva retea, fara a mai accesa meniul de setari.

Partea interesanta este ca acest tweak ne da posibilitatea de a crea o lista cu retele Wi-Fi la care sa nu ne conectam vreodata de pe iPhone, ideea in sine fiind excelenta. In momentul in care iPhone-ul incearca sa se conecteze la o asemenea retea Wi-Fi, functia este automat dezactivata, asa ca nu riscam sa ne expunem datele importante persoanelor rau intentionate.

Mult mai multe functii pentru NotifyWiFi10 puteti vedea in lista de mai jos :

  • The notification at the time of Wi-Fi connection.
  • Setting screen of Wi-Fi is opened from a notification.
  • You can also open NotifyWiFi settings by setting.
  • SSID is displayed on a Notification Banner.
  • You can turn on / off the sound and vibration at notification.
  • Connected SSID is automatically copied to a clipboard.
  • You can save and view the SSID of the connected WiFi as a log.
  • You can copy by tapping SSID from Network History.
  • The connection will not be notified if SSID is registered into a white list.
  • When SSID was registered into the blacklist and it connects with the SSID, Wi-Fi is turned off automatically.
  • When connected to anything other than the SSID registered in the whitelist, WiFi can be turned off automatically.
  • When WiFi turns off automatically by blacklist etc., various operations can be done with alert.
  • When Flipswitch is installed, a function can on/off.
  • You can erase the items of notification center by one tap.
  • You can check the current WiFi connection status with Activator.
  • You can display the WiFi IP address as a memo in the notification center. (Activator will not be installed together)

NotifyWiFi10 este disponibil pentru descarcare din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia pentru iPhone si iPad.

This post was last modified on iul. 9, 2017, 9:26 AM 09:26

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