iOS 11 are astazi o noua functionalitate neobisnuita prezentata pentru ARKit de catre un dezvoltator inteligent, el reusind sa creeze o aplicatie care el ajuta pe femei sa se machieze folosind realitate augmentata.
iOS 11 prin aplicatia ModiFace le permite femeilor sa aplice orice fel de machiaj peste un stream video preluat folosind camera frontala, fara ca ele sa testeze efectiv vreun produs cosmetic pe propria fata.
iOS 11 are prezentat in al doilea clip video un mod prin care ARKit permite crearea unei truse de machiaj virtuala care permite aplicarea de diverse combinatii de machiaj direct de pe iPhone si iPad.
iOS 11 are in clipurile video de mai jos prezentata doar una dintre neobisnuitele utilitati ale ARKit, insa dezvoltatorii cu imaginatie pot crea orice isi doresct prin intermediul realitatii augmentate, daca doresc.
“Users start with trying on different beauty products on their own video through ModiFace’s iOS app. From there, once a selection of products have been made, they can then instantly see their products, product reviews, and product simulations on their own photo rendered as a virtual beauty counter. Users can walk close to the counter to zoom and view specific product visualizations or features. For example, to see the details of a lipstick, they simple walk closer to their photo and move their devices closer to a virtual lip.”