Haze – O Excelenta Aplicatie pentru Vreme ce este Oferita la Reducere

Haze este o aplicatie lansata de ceva timp in AppStore pentru posesorii de iDevice-uri, iar cu ajutorul ei puteti vizualiza prognoza meteo, si starea curenta a vremii, intr-un format placut si intuitiv.

Aplicatia are o interfata care isi schimba aspectul in functie de timpul zilei sau vremea de afara, poate sa va ofere prognoza meteo pentru o intreaga saptamana, poate sa va spuna si care sunt sansele de a intalni precipitatii, iar folosind giroscopul din iDevice-uri poate anima interfata in functie de vremea de afara.

Put some color on your forecast with Haze, an amazing weather app with fluid animations and an audiovisual interface that is both beautifully simple, yet powerfully addictive. Haze is build around the idea of giving you a radiantly crafted forecast at a glance. Swipe through temperature, sunshine hours and rain chance or dive even deeper and get detailed information about the weather. Swipe down to get a 5 day forecasts and unlock multiple colorful themes to personalize the look. 


  • A beautifully crafted audiovisual experience.
  • Awesome motion tilt & slide navigation. Gyro-driven wind compass.
  • 5 day forecast.
  • Background animation shows tomorrow’s trend.
  • Sunshine hours, UV, cloud coverage, sunrise and sunset times.
  • High and low temperatures for the day, windchill, windspeed and wind direction.
  • Precipitation chance & amount, humidity levels and atmospheric pressure.
  • Exact location based weather data from wt360.

Aplicatia Haze este disponibila pentru descarcare cu 50% reducere din AppStore urmand acest link.

This post was last modified on nov. 27, 2017, 8:26 AM 08:26

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