HomePod: primele Review-uri Prezinta Pareri Contradictorii

HomePod Review Pareri ContradictoriiHomePod Review Pareri Contradictorii

HomePod a fost prezentata de catre compania Apple unui numar foarte mare de jurnalisti in ultimele zile, compania americana dorind sa aiba cat mai multe pareri despre produs. In aceasta idee, boxa inteligenta a fost demonstrata jurnalistilor din cele trei tari in care ea urmeaza sa fie lansata, dar parerile acestora privind produsul sunt contradictorii.

Daca primele review-uri facute de catre jurnalistii americani laudau calitatea audio excelenta a boxei inteligente HomePod, pe masura ce mai multe persoane au reusit sa testeze boxa, parerile au inceput sa se diferentieze. Unii dintre jurnalistii care au testat HomePod in ultimele 2 zile sustin ca dexi HomePod ofera calitate audio buna, exista totusi unele aspecte in care exte nevoie de imbunatatiri.

Mai exact, unii jurnalisti spun ca HomePod poate reda foarte bune sunetele de frecventa inalta si joasa, dar nu si pe cele de frecventa medie, astfel ca unele melodii nu sunt redate chiar atat de bine. Partea buna este ca viitoarea functie stereo, care va permite combinarea a doua boxe HomePod, este foarte bine gandita de catre Apple, ea fiind laudata azi.

Primele review-uri pentru HomePod prezinta un produs care pe de o parte este laudat de catre unii si prezentat ca meritandu-si banii, in timp ce altii pun in discutie acest lucru. Realitatea este ca abia dupa ce primii consumatori vor primi boxa vom afla mai multe pareri cu privire la ea, inclusiv de la cei care sunt specializati in evaluarea echipamentelor audio.

Business Insider

“After spending an hour demoing Apple’s new HomePod smart speaker, I can say one thing with confidence: it sounds incredible. Overall, HomePod is both louder and better-sounding than I expected. The bass was strong without being too heavy, vocals were crisp and clear, and the overall sound felt somehow bright and energized. I also got a demo of a stereo setup using two HomePods — that functionality is coming later on through a free update — and was blown away. So while I can’t give a definitive verdict until testing it for myself, I will say that HomePod gives a great first impression.”

Wired UK

“We will have much more to say in a full review, but on first impressions while the HomePod looks great, is super simple to set up and is undoubtedly powerful, the sound produced does not immediately match up to its £319 price tag. What becomes immediately apparent is the formidable bass the HomePod kicks out. What’s more, the sound remains constant as you walk around the room, no doubt thanks to those beam-forming tweeters. The vocals are clear as a bell, too. It’s not all good news, however. There is a distinct lack of mid-range, leaving you feeling that something is missing in the mix.”


“As advertised, the thing sounds great. Apple’s engineers were able to get a lot of rich and full sound out of that little footprint. The speaker is particularly adept as isolating vocals and maintaining often muddled aural aspects, like background singers and audience sounds in live recordings.”


“Ultimately, my initial impression is that the HomePod sounds very good for the type of speaker it is and it certainly stacks up well against the competition — some of it less expensive, some of it more. But like all speakers, it has its limitations and the HomePod left me wanting for true stereo sound. Which is probably why the only time I got truly jazzed during the demo was when they paired the two HomePods together and delivered some real separation.”

iNews UK

“While it’s difficult to get a proper grasp of how a speaker sounds in a short space of time, a second listen to the HomePod reinforces my earlier favourable impressions. While at just under seven inches tall it’s undoubtedly on the small side, it’s capable of incredible volume, easily filling a room and reinforcing its house party credentials. This is particularly true when two of them pair to play the same song simultaneously: it’s a bassy tour-de-force.”

This post was last modified on ian. 28, 2018, 11:24 AM 11:24

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