Microsoft: Aplicatia care Transfera Poze din Telefon in Calculator

microsoft aplicatie transfer poze telefon calculator 1microsoft aplicatie transfer poze telefon calculator 1

Microsoft a lansat in cursul acestei zile o noua aplicatie numita Photos Companion, ea fiind gandita special pentru utilizatorii Windows 10 care vor sa transfere rapid poze din telefon in calculator. Aplicatia este oferita atat pentru iPhone, cat si pentru Android, ea simplificand extrem de mult procedura de transfer a pozelor, fara a mai conecta telefonul cu un cablu la calculator.

Aplicatia Photos Companion scaneaza un cod QR afisat pe calculator pentru a facilita conexiunea cu telefonul, iar apoi pozele sunt transferate din telefoane folosind o conexiune Wi-Fi. Microsoft spune ca aplicatia va simplifica vietile multor utilizatori care folosesc iPhone, sau Android, si detin un PC cu Windows 10, utilitatea sa fiind foarte mare.

Microsoft vrea deasemenea ca aplicatia Photos din Windows 10 sa fie folosita mai mult in mediul educational, iar aceasta aplicatie companion are menirea de a facilita asta. Desigur ca aici vorbim despre utilitate in educatie doar pentru cei care folosesc calculataore cu Windows 10 in clase, asa ca in Romania probabil va fi utila mai mult pentru utilizatorii obisnuiti.

“We began developing a simple, experimental app for iOS and Android to see if we could unblock educators and help them begin using the Photos app in their classrooms. We knew that students often captured on multiple phones or tablets, but leveraged a single “project” PC to assemble their media and create their final project. We also knew that Wi-Fi access in the classroom was great between devices, but that any solution that required the cloud for transfer could be blocked by overloaded networks. Our solution was to build an app that would support direct wireless transfer between any phone or mobile device and the Photos app on any Windows 10 PC. This would enable students to transfer media to their own computers … or to a shared, project PC … without worrying about network speeds or mobile data charges.”

Aplicatia Photos Companion a celor de la Microsoft poate fi descarcata de aici, direct din AppStore.

This post was last modified on feb. 15, 2018, 2:25 PM 14:25

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