iPhone XR – PRIMELE IMPRESII cu Noul Telefon

iPhone XR are primele impresii dezvaluite astazi de catre cei care au avut ocazia de a testa noul model de telefon dupa conferinta companiei Apple, acesta urmand a fi vedeta din oferta in aceasta toamna. iPhone XR i-a impresionat pe multi cu noile culori pe care compania Apple a ales sa le aplice pe carcasa, idea din spatele alegerii fiind de a convinge si mai multi consumatori sa cumpere modelele din serie, ceva ce este foarte important pentru cei din Cupertino.

“I just spent a few moments playing with the new iPhone XR, which feels like it will be the default iPhone for many people this season. Not only does it have a very similar design to the more expensive iPhone XS model, it has many of the same features for a considerably lower price. The iPhone XR comes in six different colors, including very nice-looking coral and blue options. The colors are extremely vibrant in person; the coral and red, in particular, are terrific. (They’re honestly a reason to get the XR over the XS if you don’t care about the other features like dual cameras and 3D Touch.)”

iPhone XR este deasemenea laudat pentru ecranul Liquid Retina pe care Apple a ales sa il ofere, acesta fiind cel mai bun ecran LCD oferit vreodata de catre vreun producator, cel putin conform americanilor. Camera este un alt punct forte al iPhone XR, ea fiind identica cu cea principala din iPhone XS, desi vorbim doar despre un singur senzor de imagine pe care compania Appel l-a implementat, calitatea acestuia trebuind sa fie foarte buna, teoretic.

“For most users, I suspect most of these elements won’t really be missed — unless, of course, you’ve already gotten comfortable with the iPhone X. While $749 is hardly “cheap” by the standards of mid-range handsets in 2018, it’s a pretty good entry-level price for an Apple handset. Also, don’t underestimate the importance of colors choices in the phone-buying process. The XR feels like less of an afterthought, unlike the iPhone 8, which was hugely overshadowed by the iPhone X released alongside it. It looks and feels enough like the premium handset that, when coupled with the $250 price drop, it seems inevitable that Apple will sell a ton of the damn things.”

iPhone XR – PRIMELE IMPRESII cu Noul Telefon

iPhone XR este deasemenea laudat pentru faptul ca are un aspect premium, ceva de care multi sunt uimiti tocmai pentru ca impresia generala a lumii cu privire la acest model este ca e unul inferior iPhone XS, si asta e adevarat, dar nu cu mult. iPhone XR este vazut de jurnalisti ca fiind telefonul pe care foarte multi il vor cumpara in urmatoarele luni, tocmai pentru ca arata ca iPhone XS, aduce majoritatea functiilor sale, dar este cu 300 de euro mai ieftin.

“Noticeably impressive is the camera. It’s got just a single rear camera (there’s no 2x telephoto lens), but it’s still stunning. The Steve Jobs Theater hands-on area was relatively well-lit, so it’s hard to say how well the camera performs IRL, but that adjustable bokeh effect for portrait photos looks sick. Not so great: the even larger camera bump. The thing is massive. A couple of minutes is obviously not enough time to get to know the iPhone XR, but at first blush, it looks like a winner. The colors will suck you right in. I’d totally buy the yellow one.”

iPhone XR este un telefon foarte bun la pretul pe care-l are, poate chiar peste alternativele Android disponibile pe piata, iar compania Apple stie foarte bine pe cine ataca cu acest nou model. Parerea mea este ca oricine n-are bani de iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max, n-ar trebui sa se gandeasca la vreun alt model de iPhone in afara iPhone XR, daca are bani de el, iar asta pentru ca restul nu prea merita avute in vedere de cineva.

This post was last modified on sept. 14, 2018, 2:56 PM 14:56

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