iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max au fost testate aseara de catre cei care au fost prezenti la evenimentul de lansare pentru noile telefoane, iar primele impresii despre produse sunt surprinzator de bune. iPhone XS Max este in primul rand laudat pentru ecranul foarte bun pe care Apple l-a implementat, dar si pentru faptul ca este mult mai usor decat orice alt model din seria Plus care a fost lansat pana in prezent de catre compania Apple pentru clienti.
“The iPhone XS Max is bigger, yes, but as you can see in the photos (below), it is almost hard to distinguish the two when you’re looking at photos. It feels much better than any “Plus” iPhone ever has. I always found the Plus-sized iPhones to be ungainly, but the Max seems to be a little more ergonomic in subtle ways. If you’ve wanted a Plus before but were put off by the size, I’d at least try to hold the new Max size before making your decision.”
iPhone XS Max este si mai ergonomic in mana, desi informatiile aparute inaintea lansarii sugerau faptul ca design-ul este asimetric din cauza ecranului mai mare, unii recomandand fara rezerve achizitionarea modelului in locul celui Plus. Camera este deasemenea laudata pentru calitatea pozelor care sunt inregistrate, iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max folosind inteligenta artificiala mai eficient pentru a face poze de calitate mult, mult mai buna decat iPhone X.
“And then there’s the iPhone Xs Max, which is the closest Apple has ever come to full smartphone overkill. That’s mostly because of the phone’s massive display — at 6.5-inches diagonal, this is the biggest screen that Apple has ever squeezed into a smartphone. To say it’s a handful is putting it very mildly, but here’s the really crazy thing: it’s surprisingly light, almost shockingly so. That might not sound like something to get worked up over, but take it from me, a habitual phablet fan: every fraction of an ounce a company can shave off a phone’s weight means my old-man wrist won’t hurt quite as much in the long term.”
iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max – PRIMELE IMPRESII
iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max nu au totusi parte doar de laude, iar asta pentru ca exista si critici in lipsa unor schimbari importante pentru aspect, ceva ce am vazut si la alti producatori de telefoane mobile. iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max arata exact ca iPhone X, iar in cazul iPhone XS motivarea achizitiei e cam greu de facut, insa in cazul iPhone XS Max exista diferente atat de mari incat nici nu poate fi vorba despre vreo nehotarare pentru achizitie.
“There’s always something so disappointing about the ‘S’ years of the iPhone – sure, it makes business sense for Apple given it can still command sales without having to redesign the phone every time, but without a new shape it’s not as easy to explain to buyers why it’s worth buying. There are some decent improvements in the mix – notably the capacity, the louder speakers and the more colorful screen – but beyond that, many will likely be torn between last year’s iPhone X that will now be cheaper and having the latest iPhone as we can’t say the upgrades we saw were many and overpowering. The iPhone XR seems more of an impressive feat from Apple, to be honest.”
iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max aduc imbunatatiri tipice pentru telefoane din seria S, adica lipsa de schimbari de design, si unele noutati pentru componentele interne, insa nimic la fel de mare precum in cazul iPhone X. Desigur ca asta am tot auzit de cateva luni de zile, iar iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max nu sunt ambele la fel de importante, al doilea fiind in centrul atentiei acum, dar cu siguranta va fi eclipsat de iPhone XR dupa ce va fi lansat pe piata.
This post was last modified on sept. 14, 2018, 10:47 AM 10:47