iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max au fost lansate de catre compania Apple noaptea trecuta in Apple Store-urile din sud-est-ul planetei, in Romania fiind disponibile in aceasta pagina si aceasta pagina, iar mii de oameni s-au asezat al cozi in fata magazinelor. iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max se dovedesc a fi extrem de populare in randul fanilor companiei Apple, extrem de multe persoane asteptand lansarea telefonului voarte scump.
There’s a lot of noise here at the #Apple store as the wait for the #iPhoneXS continues…but it isn’t coming from those in line. ? pic.twitter.com/47faACaT98
— Matthew Mohan (@MatthewMohanCNA) September 20, 2018
Desi multi se asteptau ca lansarea iPhone XS sa aiba loc fara prea mult interes din partea fanilor companiei Apple din cauza preturilor mari ale telefoanelor, situatia e totusi alta. Iata ca lumea se inghesuie sa cumpere iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max de la compania Apple, iar incepand de noaptea trecuta au fost livrate si precomenzile facute de catre clienti.
5pm here at Orchard Road and there’s been a smattering of rain. Hasn’t dampened the mood yet for those queuing for the new #Apple #iPhonexs though. Most still in good spirits and excited for the launch tomorrow morning pic.twitter.com/myiiKehPT3
— Matthew Mohan (@MatthewMohanCNA) September 20, 2018
Lansarea iPhone XS: MII de Oameni in fata Apple Store-urilor (FOTO)
iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max sunt alese de catre un numar foarte mare dintre fanii Apple, in ciuda faptului ca iPhone XR va fi lansat in octombrie, si va fi cu mult mai ieftin. Situatia de anul acesta este exact opusa celei de anul trecut, cand seria iPhone 8 a fost lansata prima, fara prea mult succes, iar iPhone X a venit mai apoi si a generat vanzari foarte mari pentru Apple.
The line at the Apple Store for the new #iPhoneXs is just insane. pic.twitter.com/nAhNHSqLVk
— Spencer Chong (@exynosx) September 20, 2018
Voi ce modele ale iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max ati precomandat ?
We’re third in line at the Sydney Apple store. Only hours away from getting our hands on the new iPhones. #iphonelaunch ? pic.twitter.com/MOcRobzR7I
— Mous (@MousCase) September 20, 2018
今回は豪雨だったので仕方ないか。、。#iPhoneXSMax #Apple #AppleStore #applestoreomotesando #iphone pic.twitter.com/3GUtuoczhB— Aniie@NT金沢E3胎児VR (@Ani_9_) September 20, 2018
Photos: Apple fans queue up in mall ahead of iPhone XS, XS Max release in Dubai https://t.co/WujwPmOhID pic.twitter.com/rUH5V3Jm5t
— Khaleej Times (@khaleejtimes) September 20, 2018
At 9:30 last night, the number of people taking photos of the line outside the Sydney Apple store outnumbered the people in the line. This morning, it’s modestly going around the corner. #iphonexs pic.twitter.com/KfHnzxLX6X
— Alice Clarke (@Alicedkc) September 20, 2018