Ecranul iPhone XS Max este CEL MAI BUN dintre TOATE Smartphone

iPhone XS Max are cel mai bun ecran dintre toate smartphone-urile lansate pana acum pe piata, noul model de telefon al celor de la Apple reusind sa intreaca Samsung GALAXY Note 9, car ea fost “incoronat” chiar luna trecuta. Cei de la Display Mate, cunoscuti experti in ecrane, au testat iPhone XS Max pentru a ajunge la aceasta concluzie, care era totusi de asteptat, avand in vedere ca Apple ia cam in fiecare an acest titlu cu telefoanele pe care le lanseaza.

iPhone XS Max are un ecran superior celui implementat in iPhone X, avand luminozitate mai mare, o mai buna acuratete a culorilor, egaland, si intrecand ale ecrane pentru smartphone-uri, lansate pana acum. iPhone XS Max are o luminozitate de 660 nits pentru sRGB si DCI-P3, imbunatatind si gradul de reflexie al luminii in comparatie cu iPhone X, insa diferentele nu sunt mari, asa ca utilizatorii nu le vor resimti in utilizarea obisnuita a telefoanelor.

Ecranul iPhone XS Max este CEL MAI BUN dintre TOATE Smartphone

iPhone XS Max are deasemenea cea mai buna rata de contrast in conditii de luminozitate ridicata, desi vorbim despre un ecran OLED, in trecut acestea avand mari probleme in asemenea conditii de utilizare. Desigur ca ecranul iPhone XS Max a fost certificat pentru clasa A+ de ecrane pentru smartphone-uri, reusind sa intreaca orice fel de alt concurent, atat din oferta celor de la Apple, cat si din oferta de telefoane Android care exista in momentul de fata pe piata.

“Based on our extensive Lab Tests and Measurements the iPhone XS Max receives our DisplayMate Best Smartphone Display Award, earning DisplayMate’s highest ever A+ grade by providing considerably better display performance than other competing smartphones. The iPhone XS Max has the following State-of-the-Art Display Performance Functions and Features :

  • A state-of-the-artOLED display that is manufactured on a flexible plastic substrate. While the OLED display itself is flexible, the screen remains rigid under an outer hard cover glass.
  • AFull Screen design with a large 6.5 inch OLED display that fills almost the entire front face of the iPhone XS Max from edge-to-edge, providing a significantly larger display for the same phone size.
  • A new display form factor with a taller height to widthAspect Ratio of 19.5 : 9 = 2.17, which is 22% larger than the 16 : 9 = 1.78 on most Smartphones (and widescreen TVs) because the display now has the same overall shape as the entire phone. It is taller in Portrait mode and wider in Landscape mode.
  • A Record High 100% APLFull Screen Brightness for OLED Smartphones of 660 nits, which improves screen visibility in high Ambient Light. On its Home Screen the iPhone XS Max produces an impressively bright 725 nits.
  • Very High Absolute Color Accuracy(0.8 JNCD), which is Visually Indistinguishable From Perfect, and almost certainly considerably better than your existing Smartphone, UHD TV, Tablet, Laptop, and computer monitor.
  • Color Accuracy and Intensity Scales that are Independent of the Image Content APL.
  • 2 Industry StandardColor Gamuts: the sRGB / Rec.709 Color Gamut that is used for most current consumer content, and the new Wide DCI-P3 Color Gamut that is used in 4K Ultra HD TVs. The DCI-P3 Gamut is 26 percent larger than the sRGB / Rec.709 Gamut.
  • Automatic Color Managementthat automatically switches to the proper Color Gamut for any displayed image content within the Wide DCI-P3 Color Space that has an ICC Profile, so images automatically appear with the correct colors, neither being over-saturated or under-saturated.
  • A2.7K High Resolution 2688 x 1242 Full HD+ Display with 458 pixels per inch, and Diamond Sub-Pixels with Sub-Pixel Rendering for enhanced sharpness and higher Peak Brightness.
  • The iPhone XS Max supportsMobile HDR, which allows the iPhone XS Max to play 4K High Dynamic Range content produced for 4K UHD TVs.
  • ANight Shift Mode that allows the user to adjust and reduce the amount of Blue Light from the display for better night viewing and improved sleep.
  • ATrue Tone viewing mode that automatically changes the White Point and color balance of the display based on real-time measurements of the Ambient Light falling on the screen to make the display behave more like paper reflecting Ambient Light and taking on its color.
  • Small to Medium Color Shiftsand Small Brightness Shifts with Viewing Angle.
  • TheiPhone XS Max can be used with Polarized Sunglasses in both the Portrait and Landscape orientations unlike many LCDs, which generally work in only one of the two orientations.”

iPhone XS Max reuseste sa stabileasca noi recorduri pentru ecranele smartphone-urilor, asa cum anul trecut iPhone X a reusit sa faca exact acelasi lucru, si a fost depasit abia in primavara acestui an de catre Samsung GALAXY S9. Acum, pana cand Samsung GALAXY S10 va fi lansat, e putin probabil ca iPhone XS Max sa fie depasit, si e imbucurator sa vedem ceea ce reuseste Apple sa obtina dupa optimizarea ecranelor OLED ale celor de la Samsung.

This post was last modified on sept. 26, 2018, 2:23 PM 14:23

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