Apple este trasa intr-un nou scandal privind securitatea datelor utilizatorilor, compania americana fiind listata printre altele care ar fi fost spionate de catre guvernul chinez. Mai exact, se pare ca serverele folosite de catre Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, si multe alte companii, ar contine microchip-uri montate de catre chinezi pentru a accesa datele din ele.
Apple nu e singura entitate afectata, jurnalistii americani sustinand ca atat CIA, NSA, FBI, Armata SUA, si nu numai, avand servere care ar contine microchip-uri de spionaj montate de catre chinezi. 2015 ar fi fost anul in care chinezii s-ar fi apucat sa monteze aceste chip-uri in serverele companiilor americane, si ale agentiilor guvernamentale, atunci incepand si o investigatie secreta privindu-le.
Apple vorbeste despre SPIONAJUL Chinei in Serverele iCloud
Conform presei americane, Apple ar fi descoperit in 2015 chip-urile acestea, si ar fi anuntat FBI in legatura cu existenta lor, dar compania a negat acest lucru, si s-a cam suparat pe jurnalisti. Supermicro este compania care ar fi furnizat placile debaza cu aceste chip-uri chinezesti de spionaj, insa toate companiile afectate sustin ca informatiile ar fi false.
Cei de la Apple au mai spus si anul trecut acelasi lucru in fata unor acuzatii similare, iar ceea ce spun acum nu este absolut deloc nou, ba din contra, doar repeta afirmatiile de atunci. Indiferent cat de real, sau nu, ar fi acest hack, e de asteptat ca niciuna dintre companiile afectate sa nu confirme problemele pentru a nu avea probleme legale, si a nu isi pierde clientii.
“Over the course of the past year, Bloomberg has contacted us multiple times with claims, sometimes vague and sometimes elaborate, of an alleged security incident at Apple. Each time, we have conducted rigorous internal investigations based on their inquiries and each time we have found absolutely no evidence to support any of them. We have repeatedly and consistently offered factual responses, on the record, refuting virtually every aspect of Bloomberg’s story relating to Apple.
On this we can be very clear: Apple has never found malicious chips, “hardware manipulations” or vulnerabilities purposely planted in any server. Apple never had any contact with the FBI or any other agency about such an incident. We are not aware of any investigation by the FBI, nor are our contacts in law enforcement.
In response to Bloomberg’s latest version of the narrative, we present the following facts: Siri and Topsy never shared servers; Siri has never been deployed on servers sold to us by Super Micro; and Topsy data was limited to approximately 2,000 Super Micro servers, not 7,000. None of those servers has ever been found to hold malicious chips.
As a matter of practice, before servers are put into production at Apple they are inspected for security vulnerabilities and we update all firmware and software with the latest protections. We did not uncover any unusual vulnerabilities in the servers we purchased from Super Micro when we updated the firmware and software according to our standard procedures.
We are deeply disappointed that in their dealings with us, Bloomberg’s reporters have not been open to the possibility that they or their sources might be wrong or misinformed. Our best guess is that they are confusing their story with a previously-reported 2016 incident in which we discovered an infected driver on a single Super Micro server in one of our labs. That one-time event was determined to be accidental and not a targeted attack against Apple.
While there has been no claim that customer data was involved, we take these allegations seriously and we want users to know that we do everything possible to safeguard the personal information they entrust to us. We also want them to know that what Bloomberg is reporting about Apple is inaccurate.
Apple has always believed in being transparent about the ways we handle and protect data. If there were ever such an event as Bloomberg News has claimed, we would be forthcoming about it and we would work closely with law enforcement. Apple engineers conduct regular and rigorous security screenings to ensure that our systems are safe. We know that security is an endless race and that’s why we constantly fortify our systems against increasingly sophisticated hackers and cybercriminals who want to steal our data.”
This post was last modified on oct. 5, 2018, 9:38 PM 21:38