Reigns a fost promovata drept cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru promovare in AppStore in urmatoarele zile, iar in clipul video de mai jos puteti vedea o prezentare a gameplay-ului de care urmeaza sa aveti parte dupa instalarea sa, titlul fiind unul extrem de interesant.
In Reigns, noi vom intra in rolul unui rege medieval care trebuie sa-si controleze regatul, totul fiind oferit prin simple glisari ale ecranelor, ele permitandu-ne sa raspundem tuturor cererilor facute de catre consilieri sau supusi, insa viata nu este simpla cand ai si inamici de care trebuie sa te feresti pentru a-ti mentine puterea.
Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) medieval monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal fingers either left or right to impose your will upon the kingdom. Survive the seemingly never-ending gauntlet of requests from your advisors, peasants, allies, and enemies while maintaining balance between the influential factions of your kingdom. But beware; each decision you make might have implications and unfortunate consequences down the road that could put your reign and family’s dynasty at risk!
Fiecare decizie pe care o facem in jocul Reigns are implicatii majore pentru viitorul, dar si in ceea ce priveste firul epic al gameplay-ului, astfel ca in cazul in care veti dori sa va jucati din nou, veti avea parte de o experienta diferita de utilizare, asa cum este si normal in cazul jocurilor complexe.
Each year of your reign brings another important – seemingly random – request from your unpredictable kingdom as you strive for balance between the church, the people, the army, and the treasury. Prudent decisions and careful planning make for a long reign but unforeseen motivations, surprise events, and poor luck can take down even the most entrenched monarch. Extend your reign as long as possible, forge alliances, make enemies, and find new ways to die as your dynasty marches along through the ages. Some events will span on centuries, with an intrigue involving burning witches, scientific enlightenment, wicked politics and, maybe, the Devil himself.
Reigns este disponibil pentru descarcare din AppStore in format universal urmand acest link.
This post was last modified on oct. 20, 2018, 8:12 AM 08:12