Fast Camera este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, iar prin intermediul sau oricine poate inregistra pana la 1500 de poze pe minut cu propriul iDevice.
Functia Bust Mode a iPhone 6S inregistreaza maxim 900 de poze pe minut, deci vorbim despre un sistem care este de aproape 2 ori mai rapid oferit de aceasta aplicatie.
Aplicatia ne permite sa modificam viteza de inregistrare a pozelor, sa o setam pentru a inregistra incontinuu poze sau doar burst-uri, totul fiind personalizat printr-un meniu disponibil in aplicatia Settings.
- With up to 1,500 pics a minute it’s the fastest camera on the App Store. Period.
- Take tons of shots quickly…but save only the best pics to your camera roll.
- Set the camera to take continuous photos (default), a burst of photos, or manual shots.
- Get creative and turn your pics into a stop motion video.
- Turn on the timer, jump in the pic and choose from multiple shots.
- Manually control locking of focus, exposure, and white balance.
- The camera starts shooting as soon as the app opens so you won’t miss a thing.
- There’s no limit to the number of photos you can capture.
- Switch between landscape and portrait while shooting.
- You won’t find any ads or in-app purchases to get in the way.
- Turn Date/Time on in settings to overlay the precise shutter capture time on exported photos and videos.
- -Auto Focus/Exposure lock on double-tap. Manual controls on triple-tap.
Separat de rapiditate, aplicatia are disponibile si o multitudine de optiuni pentru controlarea modului in care sunt inregistrate pozele, asa ca veti avea parte de o experienta extrem de interesanta.
Fast Camera este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUITÂ pentru o perioada limitata de timp in App Store, asa ca ii puteti testa functiile fara a cheltui vreun ban.